Hello guys, I’ve noticed a lot of people here are hungry for more games like the Stanley Parable. After playing the O.G. game and the Deluxe edition I’ve found myself wanting more of this. More of these meta, narrator led, weird humour games! I started work on my called Do Not Press The Button (To Delete The Multiverse). You can check it on Steam here and follow the development.

I’m really open to ideas and suggestions of stuff you maybe miss in The Stanley Parable or mechanics you would like to see or even wacky characters! (So I can shamelessly steal them, nah j.k. I will ask your permission to include your ideas)

  • @cyberfae
    117 months ago

    I played the demo and I really liked what you had so far. I just wished I could have held down a button to dispense those doughnuts versus having to mash it, which was really uncomfortable for me. Also I would like to see the game get steam deck verified.

    I think having the story revolve around the developer trying to continuously create bigger and more elaborate obstacles for the button would be the best way to go, with plenty of opportunities for mischief in the process as you’re trying to get through them.

    Another thing I would love to see is some Easter eggs like the companion cube from the portal games. Can’t think of anything thing else at the moment, but I’ll keep posting replies as they come to me.

    • @Road_Warrior_10OP
      97 months ago

      Thank you for the comments and suggestions :) The full game has stuff like The Companion cube and some hidden Portal, Half-Life and Stanly Parable references as I love them all and they are all kind of related. :) Love the stuff that you wrote :)