It’s incredible how much the prices have fallen and that’s how it should be. Sure, I bought the 960 close to launch but still the difference is staggering.

The 960 Evo still chugs along albeit it’s a new one because a few months after I bought it, I had to RMA it. I guess that’s what happens when you are an early adopter. I lost a few hours of work when the original 960 Evo decided to stop working but it also taught me to be more paranoia with backups.

  • LeberechtReinhold
    12 years ago

    I mean, in europe they are more expensive, 4070RTX was about 700€ (770$). Different currencies and different taxes. And greed.

    • w00
      12 years ago

      Nope. FE was 650€ at launch +shipping