• mozzOP
    127 months ago

    Okay so first that it’s clearly trolling and ha ha how dare I get taken in by it, and then whoa whoa whoa it’s clearly just well intentioned criticism and how dare I not take it seriously and engage with it on the merits and ignore some of the red flags that it is trolling.

    Dude you gotta teach me more of this, I feel like maybe I’m just too uncritically minded to understand it. Can you break it down for me more, so I can understand your well intentioned point? I feel like that would really help me.

    • @Psychodelic
      57 months ago

      Very well done! I’m taking notes over here. lol

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      The example you linked is satirical semi-surrealist shitposting, there’s nothing really there to engage with. It’s just making fun of democrats for willfully ignoring her complicity and rhetoric regarding the genocide. Or maybe you’re confused, I meant their comment replies were trolling the people brigading that community not the post as a whole.

      But more generally you’re basically advocating reducing politics into team “vote blue no matter who” and team “russians/bots/traitors/other enemies”. Oh this person is mocking Kamala, therefore they basically aren’t human.

      Or alternatively “this either confirms my biases or is bad-faith and should be ignored”

      • mozzOP
        77 months ago

        But more generally you’re basically advocating reducing politics into team “vote blue no matter who” and team “russians/bots/traitors/other enemies”.

        But what if I am just advocating trolling the tanks and mags? You said you know a bunch of people who that’s their sense of humor, so that should be easy to understand. Surely that would be pretty cool, right?

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Ok, you’ve apparently latched onto my explanation of why I thought that guy wasn’t a bot. Could you maybe respond to the comment you’re replying to instead?

          Then again why am I surprised you’re not interested defending your idea. Your whole thesis is “if they don’t already agree they should be ignored.” I’m obviously one of the russian bots to ignore.

          ‘Everything I don’t like is fake news’ is dumb when they do it and enlightened when I do it.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Ok you’re now trolling about as hard as that guy trolled the people brigading his community. So what does that make you?

              At least I’m not such a dumbass that I think actively avoiding challenging your beliefs is a good thing. “Engaging with ideas sounds hard :( never think again bestie its bad for you”

              • mozzOP
                7 months ago

                I thought that type of thing and sense of humor made perfect sense to you though?

                For serious, I will bet you $200 that I can find 10 examples from the last 3 days of me talking bad about Democrats, or engaging with someone who is challenging my narrative without calling them a bot or troll or anything of the sort

                You spun up this whole strawman that because I called a troll a troll, that must mean I call other people who are just disagreeing with me trolls, but you literally just made that up. Bet me that you are wrong.

                • @[email protected]
                  -27 months ago

                  That’s the core of the substack you posted, that’s the whole idea. Even the submission title you chose is just ‘it doesn’t matter if they’re genuine or not because they’re basically bots’

                  Recognize the doomers, and ignore them. Most of them are not human, most of the humans are not American, and none of them care. They are like a pothole in the road: there is no point reasoning with them.

                  People are already way too quick to call everything a bot/propaganda/a russian op, they do not need more encouragement to think less.

                  • mozzOP
                    57 months ago

                    Does that mean you don’t want to bet?