Or in other words which forces keep electrons in orbitals and prevent it from flying away or crashing into the nucleus according to modern understanding?

  • JWBananas
    630 days ago

    So: Because an electron with an exactly defined position must have infinite kinetic energy

    There are an infinite number of velocities I can use to get up off the couch right now.

    That does not mean that I will get up off the couch at infinite velocity.

    • @thebestaquaman
      30 days ago

      Yes, there are an infinite number of velocities you can use, but if you look at their distribution, you’ll find that it quickly goes to zero somewhere around 1-2 m/s, so the expectation value of the velocity is convergent.

      If you have an object with a velocity taken from a distribution that doesn’t approach zero sufficiently fast as the velocity goes to infinity, the expectation value diverges. A simple example would be a person that would be half as likely to get up at a velocity of 2 m/s as 1 m/s, and half as likely to get up at 4 m/s as 2 m/s, etc.

      The more mathematical version of the same argument is to compute the kinetic energy of a particle whose wavefunction is a delta pulse (i.e. a particle whose position is exactly defined), and you’ll find that the particle has infinite energy.

    • @SmoothOperator
      129 days ago

      You choose a velocity from an infinite number of options, but the electron exists in a superposition of all those options.