• @[email protected]
    116 months ago

    Which person decided to domesticate that thing. Just like “hey I found this weird looking grass fruit wanna enslave it” and chief’s like “hell yeah of course I wanna enslave it!” and then they just ate increasingly beady grass for a few thousand years

    • @[email protected]
      186 months ago

      They just realized it was edible, thought to save some to plant, and then the big idea was whenever they realized they should save the biggest ones to replant

    • @[email protected]
      186 months ago

      Wrong, the grass enslaved humanity. It was like “I hear wheat is doing well, I wanna get a hominid slave species that will protect me from pests and propagate my genetic line whilst literally clearing away all competing plants for miles.”

      And corn got their slaves, and as the plant relaxed over successive generations they grew more bready and delicious because the only predator eating them was also ensuring their monocrop dominance so get fat and whatever who cares!

    • @stupidcasey
      36 months ago

      You need to stop, you’re too corny for anyone too like you, and honestly when you showed everyone cream corn at the family gathering it was not what anyone wanted to see, and really pop corn? Nobody should ever want pop corn. Anyway if you really like corn you can have it at home, but not while we’re eating out.