Also I want to hear from you, is it ethical and why?

  • @edgemaster72
    834 months ago

    without causing harm to animals

    • Humans are animals
    • Growing me-steak and eating it causes psychic damage
    • Therefore, an animal was harmed
    • @GodricOP
      404 months ago

      If we cultured cells from someone with an autocannibalism fetish, would it then be OK?

      Like I take 1d4 psychic damage whenever I see furries at cons, but I don’t think they should have to be banned

    • @Ziglin
      74 months ago

      I don’t think you can generalize that. I’d love to have little me-steaks and I’d even share them with friends, especially if they can be a Möbius strip.

      As long as the human chooses to grow their me-steaks themselves I see no issue.