• @gAlienLifeformOP
    5829 days ago

    He wants them to create housing immediately, as if building things like apartments doesn’t take time.

    He says that occasionally, but that’s not really what he wants, he just wants homeless people gone out of sight and out of the minds of his donors and their customers. If they disappear into housing that’s fine, but he’s ok with other solutions too so long as they happen now now now

    Los Angeles County, in particular, has become a frequent target of Newsom’s ire. The governor again criticized the county on Thursday for delaying implementation of a law that expands the criteria for people to be detained against their will.

    • Flying Squid
      3129 days ago

      Absolutely. He’s not an idiot. He knows he’s asking the impossible when he says shit like this.

      • @Fredselfish
        929 days ago

        When is the cocksucker up for relection. We need to Primary him and remove him from politics at least as a Democrat. He fucking DINO and horrible human being. He should join the GOP because everything he does reminds me of them.

      • @[email protected]
        29 days ago

        Welp, buy them all involuntary bus tickets to South Park then… that’ll solve the issue permanently. /s

      • @primrosepathspeedrun
        29 days ago

        it would be impolite to say so though. 🤷‍♀️ sorry. can’t listen, you’re rude for accusing someone of doing something only a total piece of shit would do, implying that he’s a total piece of shit. what kind person would even DO that?

        maybe we could listen to you if you also said it was fine and good?

    • @APassenger
      29 days ago

      Especially if it doesn’t hurt his electabity. I think he’s quite ambitious and that motivates him.

      Besides, what does a career politician do after governorship?

      Corporate boards?