Literally none of you really understand what you are mocking, and 95% of your ‘knowledge’ comes from memes and corporate news.

It is impossible to have a decent discussion with any of you, and I have been trying for YEARS.

Every circumstance is filled with ‘gotcha’ intellectual dishonesty parroted from whatever spike haired edgelad streamer you watched this week with ZERO of your own ideas in the mix.

HOW the FUCK can you hold a position that you can’t even defend without devolving into strawmanning and meme repetition? It staggers me how casually all of you just slip into this comforting ignorance that is immune to any discourse.

To be clear, I am NOT a conservative evangelical and I probably hate them more than you do, but none of you will care because ALL theists are the same to you as those ‘God hates fags’ protesters.

Oh I fucking hate every one of you but I still hate conservative evangelicals worse.

At least most of you edgelad ratheists aren’t trying to bring fascism to American.

    • Angry_Autist (he/him)OPM
      07 months ago
      • why someone who had never heard of Jesus would go to hell,

      They don’t, well not automatically.

      Romans 2:12-14

      12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law.

      TL:DR; If you haven’t heard of Jesus you will be judged by your actions and convictions.

      why unbaptised babies would go to hel

      Baptism isn’t required for salvation,it is an outward expression of an inward transformation. Children who pass on before being able to make offerings for their own sins in the Temple days were covered by the offering of their father, the same is now with the everlasting Blood of the Lamb. A family in Christ who has a child die is covered. A child from a family that does not know Jesus will be judged on the character of their father.

      if he exists, and he’s strong enough to do something about all this, a

      Ah, the Epicurean Problem of Evil. The answer is Free Well. God could have made us automaton that did everything we were programmed to do, but then worship is meaningless and God wanted companionship. Without the ability to disobey obedience is meaningless. The value in our worship is EXACTLY because we CHOOSE to do it when other options are available. You and every other atheist on the planet refuses to accept it to the point you forward research that suggests that human will doesn’t exist and that gives me a laugh every time it makes news.

      , translated imperfectly

      Another misnomer, and one so often passed about. ALL translations of the Bible currently in print go back directly to copies taken of the oldest extant versions of the documents housed in the Vatican, circa 30-70 years after the death of Jesus. There is no core tenant contradicted in any of the accepted valid Biblical texts from the most ancient to modern of archive.

      This is a historical fact and can be confirmed by any legit Bible scholar, INCLUDING atheist Bart Ehrman, because the practice of MAKING a translation REQUIRES the document chain.

      Transliterations are different but I bet you don’t even know what a transliteration Bible is or its purpose.

      I think Jesus was a pretty cool dude with good ideas,

      But you can’t think that. That’s not a rational option.

      He claimed to be the living son of God, he claimed to perform miracles.

      So either he is who he says he is or he is a madman. You cannot cherry pick just because it doesn’t challenge your comfortable sense of reality.

      Ok lets say for your argument, he just is ‘a cool guy’, well that cool guy asked for the sick to come up before him to be healed.

      If he was ‘just a cool guy’, and not a supernatural being, then he is actively deluding people just as bad as a tent preacher.

      I know WHY you want to think this, yes everything he said is valuable and useful for living a good life.

      But you cannot deny the fact that he claimed to be the son of God, and to perform miracles.

      And any ‘just a cool guy’ claimed all that did that, don’t you think he would be a certified manipulative cult leader?

      Why do you care what people think of your religion?

      Because nearly everyone including you and my churchmates get it wrong when it is all already spelled out for everyone and we have 2k years of record as to the quality of life in nations that are largely Christian.

      • Flax
        5 months ago

        Behind the anger, this is actually pretty based

        • Angry_Autist (he/him)OPM
          15 months ago

          Yeah, the anger part is medical unfortunately

          Thanks for reading it

        • Angry_Autist (he/him)OPM
          07 months ago

          blame the Anglican priests whose own studies of the Bible led them to answer my questions inadequately at the time.†

          No argument from me here, a lot of bad dogma has been made by bored priests.

          Obedient companionship? Like a child… or a dog?

          What other relationship can a finite being have with literally the creator of all existence? There can be no illusion of equality if He is who He claims He is. You frame it in derisive tones which tells me your atheism is reactionary. There is no shame in a child having a loving but unequal relationship with their parent. In fact it is exactly the intimacy of this relationship that should characterize our worship (well, my worship).

          What I’m asking here is how do you know they got it right

          Ok, let’s do a thought experiment.

          Lets say for class you were assigned the homework of copying down a newspaper article form the 1930s. That’s more than a hundred years ago, so it is even longer than the 30-70 year time gap in the Vatican archives from the time of Jesus’s death to the first ancient attested sources. You go online and find a scanned archive of newspaper clippings from the 1930s, you find that some of the words are used a little differently in modern times but you really have zero problem reading and understanding the article. So you copy it down letter for letter, even the words you don’t necessarly understand or see the context of.

          You, making that copy can in the moment verify with your own eyes that you copied it correctly, even if you didn’t understand all the context and meanings of how some old words were used.

          That is the first part. This is how we know that the oldest dated fragments existing in the Vatican archives all align to a RIDICULOUSLY accurate degree with all that came after.

          Next, as far as the meaning of the words changing over time. Yes, we understand this. There are entire branches of scholarship dedicated to how words change over time. And not exclusively Biblical scholarship so you can’t play the ‘filthy xtians faking the sciences’ because all secular academia agrees with the lexical interpretations that are used as the basis of the modern Bible translations.

          Thirdly, we know quite a lot about how the world worked in the time of Jesus from archaeological and anthropological studies, again largely from secular sources, and they all align with the descriptions, fashions, word choices, and world events of the time.

          Because if that’s what you’re contending

          It is amazingly apparent you have very little understanding of this subject. Literally none of those points you presented are actually points of contention made by anyone in modern academia. Sure I bet they were hot talking points during the Renaissance before we had the archaeological artifacts and anthropological studies, but that was six hundred years ago my guy.

          I’m not the one who’s cherry picking my reality

          You are doing exactly that. I mention a time period spanning two millennia and you focus on two specific periods covering MAYBE a handful of decades to be generous.

          You know what, I was prepared to point by point you but you have zero arguments that aren’t already worn out atheismtuber thumbnail eyecatches, you really don’t understand where our knowledge comes from or the path it took to get us here.

          All you know is that magical sky wizard friends make you angie. Bye.