• @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Corbyn wasn’t pro-Brexit

    Your entire argument is built with lies and more lies.



    Like them, Corbyn favored quitting the EEC in 1975, telling journalists on the eve of his election as leader 20 years later: “'I did vote and I voted ‘No.’”

    And it wouldn’t be a one-off. As an MP he voted against the Maastricht Treaty that created the European Union in 1993, against the Lisbon Treaty that forms the current constitutional basis of the EU in 2008, and for a referendum on British membership of the EU as far back as 2011

    You must be 14, and not know any history. He was vocally anti-EU/pro-Brexit in all its forms for decades until he was leader and had enough pressure from the party that he basically said nothing.

    He was never pro-EU because

    Corbyn (along with myself and many others on the left) opposed it because we saw the EEC as a capitalist club

    • Francis Beckett
    • @FelixCress
      -17 months ago

      Like them, Corbyn favored quitting the EEC in 1975

      Are you a little bit slow? Corbyn may have voted “no” in 1975 but he was NOT pro Brexshit in 2016 so stop lying.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        2011 wasn’t long before it.

        Stop lying.

        He voted against the EU in all its forms, for a referendum on membership in 1978, 1993, 2008, 2011.

        You are obviously too young to understand that being against the EU is a much older stance than UKIP, and enjoyed a significant support with a number of Labour MPs throughout the 80’s and 90’s as the EU pushes for privatisation of nationalised services.

        Just because a Nazi says the sky is blue does not mean that all people who see a blue sky are Nazis.

        • @FelixCress
          -37 months ago

          2011 wasn’t long before it.

          Stop lying.

          When I read posts of people like you I wish public lying with the intention to mislead the public would be a criminal offence. You wouldn’t have too many opportunities to post from behind the bars.


          "Speaking after a meeting of the Party of European Socialists in Brussels, he said: “The Labour Party is going to be committed to campaigning to stay in the European Union.”

          Now stop lying.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            You did fully read that article you linked?

            It states that repeatedly during the leadership contest when asked he stated that he would vote to leave.

            After winning:

            “Labour is clear that we should remain in the EU. But we too want to see reform,” he wrote in the Financial Times.

            NOT “I believe we should remain in the EU”.

            He has also stressed he is “not on the same side of the argument” as David Cameron, despite both leaders backing continued EU membership.

            Because Labour wasn’t in power. It needs that meme:

            You support remain because you want unfettered access to Free Market Economics

            I support remain because it ties Tory hands together on workers rights

            We are not the same.

            • @FelixCress
              -27 months ago

              Are you really that dense? Corbyn supported remain and expressed it multiple times.

              Stop lying.