• @[email protected]
    267 months ago

    The loss of journalistic integrity is the most damaging result of the enshittification of the internet. I’ve thought for years about how to fix this, but I can’t think of any way. Information is a commodity with no intrinsic value. So “news” whores itself out to donors with an agenda or advertisers.

    This was supposed to be better than the gatekeeping of the 70’s and 80’s where you had a few major papers and 3 TV stations, and they could bury stories that went against their self-interest or agenda. But somehow we’ve made it worse.

    Two things I would never go to school for these days: teaching and journalism. And that’s fucking tragic because those are maybe the two most important jobs there are.

    • @Lemming6969
      17 months ago

      This is why we have public funding and government and laws.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Unless you live in a red town that votes to blow all its budgets on police and subsidies to empty storefronts.