Original comment chain

FlyingSquid is a Zionist who actively censors content critical of israel. In the past this was using false claims of anti-semitism but after acquiring mod powers he has started banning anti-israel posters.

After acuiquiring mod powers on /WorldNews FlyingSquid bans me by making up lies about defending the usage of child soldiers which never happened:

Recently he tried to defend himself by lying about it

After being called out for lying FlyingSquid pretends to act in good faith for a little as if he was just confused that day. Let’s see what happens when we play along:

When pointed out the he was lying the crybully instantly paints himself as the victim who is “about to be insulted”. FlyingSquid is clearly trying to bait an insult to use as an excuse for a reban:

Despite not being insulted, the crybully still claims he was. The Zionist victim complex is a sight to behold. He now demands to be acknowledged for his abuse of mod powers likely hoping to bait an insult:

After failing to ragebait insults the Zionist crybully “changes is his mind” and starts tacking on random extra conditions as an excuse to reban me. He now starts demanding acknowledgement for how amazing he is for falsely banning people.

At this point it is very obvious FlyingSquid has no intentions to unban me from WorldNews and is just trolling:

Subsequently he lies one more time in his ban description.

Edit: JordanLund has joined in and claimed that if you support any action of a group or individual, you fully support every action that group or invidividual has ever committed. Meaning that anyone who supports Joe Biden forgiving Student Loans actually supports the Genocide in Gaza and is a Zionist.


  • @LinkerbaanOP
    1 month ago

    Your problem is that you fail to use your own logic on yourself, and falsely accuse people of defending the use of child soldiers without evidence.

    You are still doing this.

    Read my previous comment again and do some self reflection.

    • @jordanlund
      111 month ago

      I read it, you endorsed them and got banned for it. Sources are all cited above.

      • @LinkerbaanOP
        -91 month ago

        Either you are incapable of reading or you do not understand the difference between endorsing an action and endorsing a group.

        • @jordanlund
          71 month ago

          Did you, or did you not, in fact use the word “based”?

          It’s right there in the comment.


          “A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang.”

          • @LinkerbaanOP
            -91 month ago

            A word used when you agree with something;

            Yes there it is Jordan. First definition in the list.

            The Houthis attacking an American ship transporting oil from Russia to China and thus attacking all three global imperialist superpowers is an ACTION.

            Do you understand the difference between endorsing an action, an actor, and every single action a group has ever committed?

            Or are you pretending most users on .world were endorsing “The usage of child soldiers”?

            • @jordanlund
              71 month ago

              “The Houthis actions in this conflict pertaining Gaza are absolutely stellar…”

              Emphasis mine.

              Not once, but twice. You’re endorsing war criminals.

              You can keep denying it, but we have the receipts. You need to pick and choose your battles, you’re on the losing side with this one.

              • @LinkerbaanOP
                1 month ago

                They are not sending children on suicide boats but autonomous boat drones

                Wow thank you for providing a screenshot debunking your own lies.

                “The Houthis actions in this conflict pertaining Gaza are absolutely stellar…”

                Look at that it even specifies the word ACTION and specifically refers to their actions pertaining the red sea blockade and not the usage of child soldiers in their war against Saudi.

                Have you considered for a second you might be on the wrong side of this one Jordan? It doesn’t seem like you are even reading the screenshots you are posting.