Anarchism is not a single static end goal to be achieved, it’s a moving target that we’re always chasing. Anarchists living under hierarchical systems foment anarchism by building alternative non-hierarchical systems, and implementing anarchist theory in our daily lives to try and better the material reality of ourselves and those around us. A better world is possible, and until we get there we can at least try to make things better around us.
You should talk to anarchists some time. We’re (usually) nice people, and we do actually have reasons for holding the beliefs and ideals that we do. We also love infodumping about our beliefs, tactics, and opinions on theory and praxis!
Power structures can’t be dismantled but hierarchical (or archic as I like calling) ones can be turned into anarchic ones. Instead of structures of domination and subordination you use structures based on mutual trust and symbiotic gain.
Power structures cannot be dismantled, just reorganized. One day anarchists will learn this basic fact.
Anarchism is not a single static end goal to be achieved, it’s a moving target that we’re always chasing. Anarchists living under hierarchical systems foment anarchism by building alternative non-hierarchical systems, and implementing anarchist theory in our daily lives to try and better the material reality of ourselves and those around us. A better world is possible, and until we get there we can at least try to make things better around us.
You should talk to anarchists some time. We’re (usually) nice people, and we do actually have reasons for holding the beliefs and ideals that we do. We also love infodumping about our beliefs, tactics, and opinions on theory and praxis!
Completely dismantled to never appear again, sure but you sure can diminish them greatly
That’s like arguing you can never attain the speed of light so trying to go faster is pointless.
And yet
Power structures can’t be dismantled but hierarchical (or archic as I like calling) ones can be turned into anarchic ones. Instead of structures of domination and subordination you use structures based on mutual trust and symbiotic gain.
Meet the new boss same as the old boss.