I’m playing SSF btw

I need a stupid T4 unique that I haven’t managed to drop (I did drop the ONLY OTHER UNIQUE WITH THE SAME BASE THANK YOU GGG -well at least this means that I can guarantee the one I need if I get an Ancient orb, right?- edit: no, Ancient Orb keeps class and ignores base, so I can vendor the one I dropped OK) or chance.

I missed a few years of PoE, so reading around it seems like trying Gwennen gambling is (or was) a good way to farm T1-T0, so I guess it should work for lower tiers as well? But is there a better way that you can suggest?

I’m at my wits’ end, since I’m level 87 and I haven’t managed to get it yet, absolutely my fault I know, but if I can’t get it “soon” I will probably migrate to Trade league and buy it for 3c lol

  • @mumeiOP
    37 months ago

    I’m already wearing IIR items, up to 90% now, but I had forgotten about Item Rarity Support, I guess I can add it to my main skill! Thanks!

    Yeah, getting the bases is not an issue, they do drop kind of regularly and I’ve been chancing them all.

    Where do I see the unique’s minimum level? Is it the required level to use it? If it is, then I’m good even in T1 maps lol

    I will keep trying chancing as well, you never know

    • @RustyEarthfire
      27 months ago

      On the wiki, the minimum drop level is shown as “Drop Level” in the “Acquisition” box on the right (e.g. 77 for https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Leper’s_Alms). If you don’t see one, then it is the required level to use. This doesn’t affect Chance Orbs, but does affect Ancient Orbs.

      • @mumeiOP
        27 months ago

        I see, thanks. It doesn’t have that line so I’ll go with required level instead, which is 60, meaning it can drop in any map… which is good since I’m trying to farm a T4 map for one divination card… and that’s also going pretty badly as I only got one lol

        I’m not gonna make it

    • @dohju
      6 months ago

      had great success with lightlys t9 exile farming srtat if your build can handle it. I think my build is pretty decent but I couldn’t really fit iir support in…

      • @mumeiOP
        16 months ago

        Ended up moving to Trade league, I was level 87 farming T1-3s with absolutely no luck, I was around 100h spent in maps. Since I dropped two items that would total 6 divines and that were no use to my build, I gave up farming, migrated, and sold both lol