• @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    I just don’t have the words to describe how awesome this movie is to folks who haven’t seen it. It’s a must-watch.

    • Awesome soundtrack with
    • Very many celebrity cameos (including musical performances by Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, others), and some you won’t even notice until you google them
    • Funny and bad things happening to Nazis
    • Cops looking like fools (to be fair, that’s nearly every movie of this era)
    • Folks who would today be magas looking like fools
    • Late 70s/Early 80s kinda ribald humor
    • Over the top car chases (see OP)
    • Carrie Fisher
    • An actual mission from God (in the context of the film)
    • John Belushi at his best
    • Dan motherfucking Aykroyd
    • The Blues Brothers
    • Almost bizarrely, a positive message of inclusivity and brotherly love.


    sorry I forgot it wouldn’t be obvious to everyone.

    The Blues Brothers