• @pjwestin
    67 months ago

    You’re correct about Wikileaks, but you are conflating the scandal around Hillary’s emails (she maintained a private email server while she was Secretary of State, and deleted many of those emails when she was meant to retain them) with the Podesta emails (which the user in the image incorrectly identifies as Hillary’s emails). The hacking of Podesta’s emails is actually very similar to the hack of the Trump campaign, except there’s no Wikileaks or equivalent organization willing to publish them this time.

    • @Anticorp
      27 months ago

      Ah, okay. Then thanks for correcting me. There are too many fucked up shenanigans to keep track of these days.

      • @pjwestin
        27 months ago

        Easy mistake, especially when it all gets conflated to, “But her emails!”

        • @Anticorp
          17 months ago

          Mmmm, buttery males…