The weird part is everyone forgetting in a week or two…
The media is on the side of the wealthy, because that’s the whole reason they bought the media in the first place.
This isn’t the first time, been happening since newspapers were cutting edge. It’s the natural result of deregulating journalism. So ething both parties do at almost every opportunity.
All the shit going on now with the media can be traced back to Slick Willy in the 90s.
It’s not like the Clintons are poor though
But her supporters were, VS the billionaires class backing the Republicans
I dunno. Between Hilary emails and Steele Dossier, I feel like MSM is afraid of being used in manipulation schemes.
Whether by foreign agents or even Trump campaign leaking information themselves, baiting media to release a bland report full of already public information just so he can change the narrative back to Government and MSM colluding against him or whatever BS he wants to spew.
If there is any little reported or good stuff, they can now just research and find their own story and leave out the whole "hack "
Robert could have dumped this stuff anywhere.
It baffles me that Americans don’t properly fund their public broadcaster
Can probably be traced back to the Hearsts in the 1940s.
deregulating journalism
Journalism was never regulated. Doing so would regulate speech. Aka, a violation of the constitution. Perhapse television was regulated, but not journalism.
Also if you regulate journalism it’s going to be regulated to say what politicians want, or at least their donors.
I’m perpetually out of the loop. Did Trump’s emails get leaked?
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That’s wild. Any idea what media outlet specifically it was leaked to?
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I wonder why it wasn’t sent to wikileaks?
Isn’t Wikileaks Russian?
So they were already cc’d on them.
Yes and no; technically they’re an independent entity but they’ve been used as useful idiots by Russian intelligence so many times at this point they’re effectively Russian
Half of their publications are leaked russian material.
Hmm, first time hearing that.
No, the whole “Wikileaks is a Russian asset” story is a farce used to unjustly discredit them, since they’ve published some extremely damning documents.
It might be because RT gave Assange his talk show on state run tv, RT claimed WikiLeaks as a partner, Assange dumped the 2016 emails after Trump’s “Russia if your listening” statement, or because after Assange claimed the hacker that provided WikiLeaks with those 2016 emails wasn’t Russian, he was.
If you step back and squint, it kind of looks like he was working with Russia because of all the work with Russia.
I mean, that’s not entirely true. Yeah, there has been a long history of US based organizations, particularly governmental ones, trying to stop Wikileaks, capture Snowden, and generally just punish whistleblowers so brutally is deters anyone else from doing it.
But that doesn’t mean that as the years went on, the mission of Wikileaks changed as they seemed to adopt a particular goal that wasn’t just “shining a light on corruption.”
So it’s not as simple as “it’s a Russian asset” and it’s not as simple as “they’re being smeared for spilling govt secrets.” It’s a mixture of the two, but not only, and not entirely.
Totally. It is a complete farce.
Cuz they would have sat on it
Because they would actually publish it.
Narrator: They would not
As opposed to the current recipients, who are sitting on it.
But I thought it was Iran that hacked Trump. Surely they have media that can make this info available.
No, that makes sense. They have the time and energy to hack the Trump campaign email servers. But somehow lack the ability to make that information public. Yeah, that makes much more sense.
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Or because there is literally nothing worth reporting. I guarantee if there was some juicy stories, they would come out.
No, they specifically didn’t get leaked. And that’s the story. Trump’s team got hacked, and the hackers sent the emails to the news outlets. The outlets protected Trump, and refused to publish the emails.
Which is in stark contrast to what happened when Hillary’s emails got sent to the news outlets. The outlets were clambering to be the first to publish them.
Almost as if the outlets have a strong bias…
Do you have a link to where the news outlets published them?
They didn’t, WikiLeaks did
So PM_Your_Nudes_Please just made up whatever the hell he wanted. Typical.
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They did not wipe all the emails. Her team sorted through to send only the ones which were subpeonaed, which is what you are supposed to do.
And the DNC hack is what the original post probably meant, but people mix all this stuff up. Those were published on Wikileaks and generated super productive controversies, such as pizzagate.
And it isn’t illegal per se to use private email. It’s extremely common, but should be cracked down on. A big problem with it is age. Try telling your grandma she has to use a different email when she contacts you about certain topics.
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Nixon was impeached for deleting 8 minutes of his own personal audio recordings… as those records were subpoenaed, because you can’t keep any kind of private records of you conducting government business….
That is such a gross oversimplification of why Nixon was impeached I don’t even know where to start.
Criminal intent is required for all crimes except those which are strict liability.
And you really ate the propaganda on the rest, not sure what else to say.
isn’t classified records law is strict liability
18 USC § 1924 a
Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States,
Tap for spoiler
removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
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Lock them emails up came the cry from the C suite and the editor asked what he should run instead.
I worked in small and medium sized print media for a few decades. Very loosely around 1998 you’d still see the newest, greenest, most eager-to-please editor be able to tell the owner or C’s to fuck right off if there was an attempt to break the wall between the money and the news. It was just assumed and known really - because while few examples happened, for the most part management or money would never even think of doing it.
By the early 2000s, while print was still king and only just preparing to completely fuck up internet advertising and kill the industry, the wall cracked a bit. “It’s the beginning of the end” many would say while others said they were just ads on the front above the fold. The former was correct.
And now we have a media landscape run by the money, for the money.
WIKILEAKS released Hilary’s emails. Not the media.
WikiLeaks is a shell now, almost non-existent. For years it’s been little more than a Twitter account, but even that hasn’t posted since June.
False. The Clinton emails were first released under FOIA by the State Department, not by WikiLeaks. You’re mixing it up with the Podesta and DNC email archives, which incidentally contained dirt on Trump as well.
Thanks Dwight
So the post is still an error. This post would have you believe big media is in Donald Trump’s pocket. That’s hilarious.
Much like wikileaks, media outlets claim to be impartial third parties and have annoynmous drop boxes for whistleblowers.
Or you could argue that wikileaks operated much like media outlets do but got sent to prison for it anyway.
Maybe it’s because wikileaks didn’t direct their partial impartiality in the same direction. That’s how they keep media controlled. All US major media outlets support the US war machine. That’s true from Fox News to CNN. So wikileaks real crime was not being partially impartial in the right direction while doing journalism. On the mechanics Assange did nothing others haven’t.
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Jesus Christ, I can’t believe how dense people are being about this. First of all, they weren’t Hillary Clinton’s emails, they were John Podesta’s emails. Second of all, and more importantly, the, “Mainstream Political Media,” didn’t publish those emails, Wikileaks did.
In 2016, Russian hackers got Podesta’s emails, Wikileaks published them, and the media reported on them once they were already exposed. In 2024, Wikileaks is functionally dead, so Iranian hackers sent them directly to mainstream media outlets. Mainstream outlets don’t want to deal with the legal issues associated with releasing hacked information, so they sit on them.
This isn’t some conspiracy by the media to ensure Trump wins. This is a direct result of 20+ of allowing our government to persecute whistleblowers and leakers.
Don’t give Assange a pass for being a leaker. He had Republican emails in 2016 and choose not to leak them.
I’m like…80% sure that’s not true. I don’t remember any story about GOP emails, and I can’t find any reporting on it now.
That being said, I’m not giving Assange a pass. At the time he was getting Podesta’s emails from Russian hackers, he was declining to publish a cache of Russian government documents. It’s possible that dropping those leaks was part of his negotiations to get the Podesta emails, or that he had just developed a strong anti-U.S. bias after being imprisoned in an embassy for 4 years, but that’s still no excuse for violating the Wikileaks’ founding principle of holding all power accountable. Also, beyond the bias problems, I think the sexual assault allegations against Assange are credible, and he should have been prosecuted in Sweeden. Wikileaks was a very flawed organization, and Assange is a complete piece of shit.
However, the U.S. didn’t want to prosecute Assange for the Podesta hack, or Russian espionage, or sexual assault. They wanted to prosecute him for telling the world that the U.S. military murdered two Reuters journalists. For all of Wikileaks flaws, they did some important work, and there’s no one willing to do that work now that they’re gone. A great example of that is all these legacy media groups sitting on Trump’s emails but being too scared to publish them.
Assange denied getting any leaks from the rnc, but one of the alphabet agencies confirmed that the rnc was hacked at the same time. Getting any of this information is difficult at best now with how shitty search has become and the fact that any search you do will bring up podesta or the recent email leak. It’s also sketchy that right after Assange started doing a show for RT. Assange is a self serving narcissist not a whistle blower, except when it’s to his benefit.
Fair enough, I’ll adjust my search terms to see if I can find anything on that. I agree that Assange is a PoS, and it does seem like his Kremlin ties are genuine. I tend to be skeptical when the security agencies tell us someone is secretly a Russian asset (like when the state department revoked Snowden’s passport while he was stopped in Russia on his way to Ecuador, then accused him of going there to aid Russia, even though they literally forced him to be there), but it certainly seems like Assange had or developed an interest in aiding the Russian government.
Wikileaks was unfortunately too centered around Assange himself, and only had a non-governing advisory board as it’s infrastructure, so there really was no way to separate the organization from the man. It’s a shame, because I think the work they did (especially early on) was very important, and I think the world is worse off without an organization like them.
I definitely agree. The work WikiLeaks did, especially early on, shed light on things we probably wouldn’t have seen without it. Then it became Assange’s personal grudge machine, and I had a hard time trusting it after that. He insists he never did any curation of the leaks he released, but how do we know that’s true once he started to show his bias.
Was trump found to be running a private email server for government classified business? Because that’s what the issue with Hilary was. As much as I despise trump, the situation isn’t equivalent. Also, WikiLeaks leaked Hillary’s emails, not the media. Basically everything stated in the original post is incorrect.
Nah, he just had a bunch of classified government documents stashed in a bathroom.
Which he should have gone to prison for.
Right, but that’s not related to these emails as far as anyone knows.
If I recall that case was dismissed without prejudice, which means they can fix the bullshit issue Judge Cannon came up with to delay things, re-indict him and ideally convict his ass. Can’t use executive privilege as a defense (no matter how strained) for shit you do after you leave office. That’ll kick up a mountain of idiots on Xitter screaming about “double jeopardy” despite not knowing how any of that works though.
Assuming of course he doesn’t get reelected and pardon himself or some equally absurd bullshit.
Not saying they’re related to the emails directly, but it’s a similar idea of storing important national information in secret where you aren’t allowed.
No, you’re thinking of GW Bush
Trump just had his daughter and son in law do it for him
Like I said to someone else here already:
False. The Clinton emails were first released under FOIA by the State Department, not by WikiLeaks. You’re mixing it up with the Podesta and DNC email archives, which incidentally contained dirt on Trump as well.
If Trump knew how to use email, you know he’d be sending classified information from his yahoo account.
You’re correct about Wikileaks, but you are conflating the scandal around Hillary’s emails (she maintained a private email server while she was Secretary of State, and deleted many of those emails when she was meant to retain them) with the Podesta emails (which the user in the image incorrectly identifies as Hillary’s emails). The hacking of Podesta’s emails is actually very similar to the hack of the Trump campaign, except there’s no Wikileaks or equivalent organization willing to publish them this time.
Ah, okay. Then thanks for correcting me. There are too many fucked up shenanigans to keep track of these days.
Easy mistake, especially when it all gets conflated to, “But her emails!”
Mmmm, buttery males…
LoL, for as much as you “despise trump”, you sure feel compelled to “defend” him by creating your own false equivalence, getting the facts wrong, and by ignoring the entirety of actions Trump and his family committed while in office. It’s almost like you don’t really despise him at all…
I’m not defending him, I’m saying we need to be better. There are enough valid criticisms, like millions of them. We don’t need to make false equivalencies.
Eh, that’s about par for the course at this point…
Exactly. And wikileaks didn’t leak Donald Trumps emails because of the whole intelligence system trying to lock him up thing he was going through.
Any news that doesn’t publish his emails is not fair or balanced.
Who’s they?
The New York Times, I believe. They got sent the research document the GOP did on Vance’s vulnerabilities by a state-level actor, probably Iran. They alerted the campaign and didn’t release it.
The FBI and most major media corporations hid the hunter biden laptop scandal from the public during the 2020 elections. CNN, ABC, NPR, twitter, Facebook and more colluded with the FBI to claim the incident was fake, despite eyewitness accounts confirming much of the information. Twitter banned users for spreading “misinformation”. The FBI quietly admitted the laptop was real after the election. No apologies were issued, many news networks issued no correction.
Whose side is the media on again?
Don’t get me started on how some CNN/NPR listeners I knew thought kyle Rittenhouse shot first at black protestors even up to the the conclusion of the trial…
Let’s talk about Hunter Biden’s laptop. The laptop became a focal point of political controversy in the United States during the 2020 presidential election. The story began in October 2020 when the New York Post published an article claiming to have obtained a copy of a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden. The laptop reportedly contained emails, texts, and other documents that raised questions about Hunter Biden’s business dealings, particularly in Ukraine and China.
The laptop was allegedly left at a repair shop in Delaware, and after it was never picked up, the shop owner reportedly turned it over to the FBI and made a copy of the hard drive, which was later given to Rudy Giuliani, former President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer.
The story sparked a massive political debate. Republicans and Trump supporters argued that the contents of the laptop suggested potential corruption involving Joe Biden. Democrats and many media outlets, however, were skeptical of the timing and the origins of the laptop story, suggesting it could be part of a disinformation campaign, possibly linked to foreign interference.
So here’s what always bothered me about this story. Why was it left in a repair shop in Delaware and never picked up? Super secret super personal documents on a laptop without a password or any encryption is just dumped at a random repair shop and never picked up? And the owner hand delivers it to Giuliani?
And why should we care? Biden has never had his family working in his administration like Trump did. Most Republicans can’t name a single cabinet member of the current administration but they can name Hunter and Jill so that’s who they go after. How are his alleged crimes even relevant?
As far as Kyle Rittenhouse goes, why are you defending a kid who drove an hour to bring an automatic weapon across state lines to enthusiastically hunt down liberal protestors (in kinder words than he put it.) You’re clearly not here in good faith if you’re spreading the falsehood that what he did was in self defence or in any way defendable.
what constitutes as hiding? Here is CNBC asking Biden about Hunter during the debate with Trump on Oct 22, 2020. From what I’ve read the main hurdle was Rudy Giuliani himself (link)
the Wall Street Journal and Fox News — among the only news organizations that have been given access to key documents — found that the emails and other records don’t make that case. Leaving aside the many questions about their provenance, the materials offered no evidence that Joe Biden played any role in his son’s dealings in China, let alone profited from them, both news organizations concluded.
The lack of major new revelations is perhaps the biggest reason the story has not gotten traction, but not the only one. Among others: Most mainstream news organizations, including NBC News, have not been granted access to the documents. NBC News asked by email, text, phone call and certified mail, and was ultimately denied.
The first story about the Hunter Biden laptop appeared in the New York Post, a conservative tabloid. One of the bylines was that of a former producer for Fox News pundit Sean Hannity… The Times also reported that the Trump campaign initially shopped the story to the Wall Street Journal, hoping that a mainstream news organization would validate their assertions that the documents hinted at corruption.
An NBC News correspondent asked Bobulinski for an interview and for copies of documents in his possession, but he declined. “All of your questions will be answered on Tucker Carlson tonight,” Bobulinski wrote on Oct. 27… NBC News has sought to obtain the documents on the alleged Hunter Biden laptop, but has been rebuffed. An NBC News correspondent sent a letter two weeks ago to Giuliani, seeking copies of the materials. His lawyer, Robert Costello, granted the correspondent the opportunity to review some Hunter Biden emails and other materials in person. The materials included copies of Hunter Biden identification documents that appeared to be genuine. But without taking possession of the copies, it was not possible to conduct the sort of forensic analysis that might help authenticate the emails and documents.
I know it’s weird for twitter to take it down, but remember this was a time when they only allowed verified information.
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