Those close to Donald Trump fear the former president “may have legit PTSD” from the assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally last month.

That’s according to a Vanity Fair report published Wednesday that claimed those in Trump’s inner circle have noticed that he’s become fixated on a seven-second clip that shows the moment he nearly lost his life.

“He’s been watching that seven-second clip of how close he was to getting shot right in the head—over and over and over again,” said a Republican close to the campaign, reported Vanity Fair.

  • @Jiggle_Physics
    7 months ago

    I am advocating for not giving a shit when someone murders him. Someone should have done that a long time ago. The kid who tried was 20. He has time to be reformed. Time for people to figure out what is wrong, and give him therapy, make him work on himself. And it would all be at a net gain for humanity. We know, for fact, he has done these things. We know Trump can’t be reformed. It will be a huge suck on resources to imprison him. Just shoot him, toss his body in a dumpster, and move forward.

    • Orbituary
      17 months ago

      I basically said this. I know this is difficult because we’re on the internet, but I asked some nuanced questions that require a little more than key slapping. I’m genuinely curious if they matter at all.

      For me, it’s our financial system that created this piece of shit and our judicial system that failed to keep him in check. He’s working and acting the way he does because he had a broken, corrupt family and was never taught moral code or an ethical framework. Yet our electoral system put him into power despite him not getting the majority. Our corporate media keeps airing him for the views. Our digital and print media keep covering him for the clicks…

      WE are to blame because we the people cannot unfuck this country.

      • @Jiggle_Physics
        7 months ago

        That explains, but does not excuse. You can judge, it’s not some grey area, he did these things, he had the education to know better. The corrupt system explains how it came to be, but neither get off because of it. Trump is guilty, the system is guilty. Just because it is a lot easier to throw away Trump doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. While more, and more, draconic penalties do not continue to produce more, and more, deterrence, infinitely, the fact that there are serious penalties for your actions does have a major deterrence factor. Billionaires have had zero serious consequences to their actions. So giving them serious consequences is a first step towards systemic reform.

        • Orbituary
          17 months ago

          The thing is, he’s not the only one. He just happens to be the most obnoxious and openly dangerous one.

          • @Jiggle_Physics
            17 months ago

            Have to start somewhere. When you do all you can to affect change, and nothing happens, you are forced to accept or turn to violence.