Isn’t it amazing that we live in a time period where fire is available on demand? We have so many options for producing fire whenever we need it, wherever we are. I had this thought while lighting my bowl. I have a fan running so the air whipped the flame around and it brushed my hand. I felt humbled by the fire, gently reminded to pay it the respect it deserves. I tried again, shielding the little flame with my hand, and got a good light. As I pushed the smoke out and took in fresh air I considered how lucky I am to be able to enjoy it, on the only planet with air, fire, water, weed, and me all in the same place, coming together to make a fine afternoon.

  • Pronell
    7 months ago

    Last time I went in to get a replacement part on my dab rig / bong, I realized I didn’t need to speak in code. “Yeah, I broke that little gasket piece on my bong that goes from the nail to the slide.”

    In and out in minutes. Love it.