Fun fact: The outdated software runs on outdated hardware, too.

  • @Pencilnoob
    357 months ago

    Trigger me timbers

    What has two thumbs and just spent all week hectoring the boss to upgrade from Server 2008 to 2022 so docker and ssh would finally work?


    Well girls, we’re living in the future now! Five new 2022 servers, all turned into dumb ssh+docker nodes in my job cluster!

    Wipes brow with a trembling hand

    Grumble grumble… they wouldn’t let me upgrade to Linux just yet though… But the plan is coming together… evil laugh

    • @surewhynotlem
      217 months ago

      Do they hate money? Paying for Windows server just to run docker is an expensive option.

      • @SirDerpy
        217 months ago

        There’s two ways to perform every task. There’s the way we say and maintain the illusion of doing. And, there’s the practical way we actually get the work done. If we don’t maintain the illusion then they’ll cut budget. If they cut our budget we can’t even afford the practical way, let alone what they think we’re doing.

        Your success in this position will be determined by how quickly you learn both processes and how well you choose which is appropriate for the situation.

      • @Pencilnoob
        7 months ago

        TBF all the jobs are a decade old and written by our researchers in dotnet framework as Winforms apps I hacked up to be console apps so it’s gotta be windows. I’m converting them one by one to dotnet core and moving them to my Linux containers but it’s a slow process and I’ve got a v1 release to prepare for next month.

        Everyone is just stoked that no longer do a half dozen researchers have to twice a day log in to their pet server, open their Winforms app, run it, and copy paste the results to a shared drive. Now my docker harness does it all on a scheduled task triggered automatically from rundeck server I manage. WE’RE LIVING IN THE FUTURE BABY

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          I’m sure it’s not that simple but .Net is and has been on Linux

          Docker images I have run dotnet in a container but the docker server host is Ubuntu. Though I really should flatten it and run it on proxmox.

          However, it’s not like that would save real dollars on licensing we have Windows servers still for AD et. al. and therefore have to license all CPU cores in a hypervisor cluster so having fewer windows servers is irrelevant in our environment with regards to license costs.

          • @Pencilnoob
            37 months ago

            Oh yeah, all my code is dotnet core running on Ubuntu servers in docker.

            Just all this legacy code is written in dotnet framework which doesn’t run on Linux, and requires some moderate effort to switch (relies on libraries that are framework, and those also rely on framework libraries, etc)

            It’s completely possible, but for now, I’ve got these 2022 servers running “good enough” to go to production, and I’ll convert them as soon as the first issue arises.

    • Optional
      37 months ago

      I feel ya man. I spent a year arguing for the existence of a pilot environment.

      Because when you test in production, it’s bad, mmmkay.

      • @Pencilnoob
        37 months ago

        Oof that’s a rough one indeed!