• @iAvicenna
    117 months ago

    well is this the level of backlash required to force israil to use civil pawns to continue the terrorism?

    • @Keeponstalin
      7 months ago

      Settler Violence is deliberate, and exploited by the Israeli State to continue ethnic cleansing & Settler Colonialism in the West Bank with plausible deniability

      The state takes over land openly, using official methods sanctioned by legal advisors and judges, while the settlers, who are also interested in taking over land to further their agenda, initiate violence against Palestinians for their own reasons. Yet in truth, there is only one track: Settler violence against Palestinians is part of the strategy employed by Israel’s apartheid regime, which seeks to take over more and more West Bank land. The state fully supports and assists these acts of violence, and its agents sometimes participate in them directly. As such, settler violence is a form of government policy, aided and abetted by official state authorities with their active participation.

      The combination of state violence and nominally unofficial violence allows Israel to have it both ways: maintain plausible deniability and blame the violence on settlers rather than on the military, the courts or the Civil Administration while advancing Palestinian dispossession. The facts, however, blow plausible deniability out of the water: When the violence occurs with permission and assistance from the Israeli authorities and under its auspices, it is state violence. The settlers are not defying the state; they are doing its bidding.

    • @primrosepathspeedrun
      7 months ago

      there are no zionist civilians, holy shit. every time I think they can’t possibly worse, they find a way to surprise me.