The same exact call in a code block vs a script tag behaves differently. The values seem to arrive to the plugin okay, but then get funky at some point–no idea why.

  • @wthit56OP
    11 month ago

    The example I linked you to in the original post uses pure JS to produce the problem, yes. 😅

    The original issue was a script tag passing a JS-made string into a function. Versus a code block passing a JS-made string into a function. The same exact string, declared in JS. But the function call was from a script tag vs from a code block. That JS-made string would evaluate differently depending on whether a script was being processed at the time or a code block was being processed at the time. Something like that.

    • @perchanceM
      1 month ago

      Oh, right, yes, when using evaluateText on said string, that makes sense - due to square blocks having the policy of always “saving escape-char-processing until right at the end” as mentioned above. And yeah I agree this inconsistency is very annoying!