Julius Ceasar, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and many more…

These people had beliefs and worldviews that were so horribly, by today’s standards, that calling them fascist would be huge understatement. And they followed through by committing a lot of evil.

Aren’t we basically glorifying the Hitlers of centuries past?

I know, historians always say that one should not judge historical figures by contemporary moral standards. But there’s a difference between objectively studying history and actually glorifying these figures.

  • @kaffiene
    15 months ago

    The phrase was "we all exist because of those exploits *, that seems a bigger claim

    • MaggiWuerze
      15 months ago

      We all are products of the history we were born into is what I’m saying. If Alexander hadn’t conquered the known world history would have ben different and so would todays world be, inlcuding (or rather excluding) us