Thiel compared California liberalism to Saudi Arabian Wahabbism — but it was sort of a compliment

  • @kayos
    926 days ago

    I love how Americas think they can just “go and live” anywhere. lol. Learn about citizenship, The process. Good luck with your life in Vanuatu.

      • @Jiggle_Physics
        1226 days ago

        Yeah, billionaires literally can do this. This isn’t an American being ignorant of immigration process, this is a non-American being ignorant about what billionaires are allowed to do, that no one else is.

        • @nomous
          26 days ago

          He was born in Germany, and holds dual US/NZ citizenship. You’re right that he’s rich enough to live anywhere in the world. He lives by completely different rules than basically everyone else.

          • @Jiggle_Physics
            526 days ago

            He probably also owns houses everywhere he likes to spend time outside of the US.

      • @mutant_zz
        525 days ago

        He already bought NZ citizenship… Because we had a dumbass government at the time

    • @RememberTheApollo_
      525 days ago

      You can buy visas to some countries. Then use those to access others. I think some start at $350k for one type with lots of hoops to jump through and $500k to skip the queue.

    • @FanciestPants
      326 days ago

      Perhaps he’ll claim asylum because, in his dumbshit world view, the US is persecuting billionaires.