• @norimee
    317 months ago

    I find these headlines all misleading.

    Germany discusses for weeks now the next year’s federal budget and the ruling parties are at odds about spending and accumulation of new debts. And they agreed now, that future Ukraine aid will not come out of the federal budget.

    All already approved aid to Ukraine will still be delivered. Nothing is “halted”.

    All new aid, to be approved for the next fiscal year will not come from the federal budget but will be financed with seized Russian assets.

    So, Germany doesn’t stop Ukraine aid at all. They just have to finance it differently in the next year.

    • UnfortunateShort
      107 months ago

      They are misleading and intentionally so. Either ‘just’ as rage bait or as a genuine attempt at spreading misinformation.

      There is a 4 billion budget for aid next year - which is of course excluding EU aid and aid financed via dividends of frozen russian assets.