I’ve seen reports and studies that show products advertised as including / involving AI are off-putting to consumers. And this matches what almost every person I hear irl or online says. Regardless of whether they think that in the long-term AI will be useful, problematic or apocalyptic, nobody is impressed Spotify offering a “AI DJ” or “AI coffee machines”.

I understand that AI tech companies might want to promote their own AI products if they think there’s a market for them. And they might even try to create a market by hyping the possibilities of “AI”. But rebranding your existing service or algorithms as being AI seems like super dumb move, obviously stupid for tech literate people and off-putting / scary for others. Have they just completely misjudged the world’s enthusiasm for this buzzword? Or is there some other reason?

  • @cley_faye
    44 months ago

    We had IoT, Web3, and now AI. Part of it seems linked to very good salespeople pushing it onto other salespeople.

    For the first two, we’ve seen business spinup quickly and have very aggressive arguments, backed by cash, pushed onto existing business as “the solution to everything”. Only to burn down later as a gimmick nobody really cares beyond a handful of niche applications.

    So far with AI there’s a handful of “big name” business that pushes it as the ultimate solution for everything and are injecting ton of cash in that discourse. We just have to wait a bit if the last part of that happens. After that we’ll go back to normal until the next “big thing” gets propped up.