• Socialist BerserkerOP
    -81 month ago

    Dismissing the Green Party as a “joke” or “spoiler” ignores the historical importance of third parties in American politics.

    Many of the progressive policies we take for granted today—like the abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, and labor rights—were championed by third parties long before they were adopted by the major parties.

    The Green Party, despite its challenges, offers a platform that aligns with values many Americans hold, including environmental sustainability, social justice, and peace.

    While it’s true that the Greens haven’t secured a national office, it’s also important to recognize the structural barriers that third parties face in our political system. These barriers include ballot access laws, exclusion from debates, and the massive financial advantage that the two major parties hold. These challenges make it difficult for any third party to break through, but that doesn’t mean their efforts are worthless or that their ideas aren’t valuable. In fact, their presence can influence the national conversation and push the major parties to address issues they might otherwise ignore.

    You mention that the Democrats statistically could win, but that’s precisely the problem. We’re stuck in a cycle where voting is more about choosing the lesser of two evils rather than voting for policies and candidates that truly represent our values. The fact that the Green Party and other third parties have an uphill battle doesn’t make them a “joke”; it makes them the underdogs in a deeply flawed system. By supporting them, I’m voting for what I believe in, rather than settling for a party that continually fails to represent my interests.

    So while I understand your point, I see the value in supporting third parties, even if they face significant obstacles. It’s about building a movement and showing that there is a demand for alternatives to the two-party system. The only way to give them a shot is for more people to support them, and that starts with voters like me choosing to vote for what we believe in, rather than what the system tells us is the only viable option.

    Plus, I’m now leaning towards the Socialist Workers Party as well, because I believe in the need for a broader political discourse that goes beyond the status quo. The Socialist Workers Party, like the Greens, challenges the dominance of corporate interests in our politics and advocates for the working class—something neither of the major parties genuinely prioritize.

    So joke to you or not, I’m not voting democrat. Accept it.

    • @Passerby6497
      11 month ago

      So joke to you or not, I’m not voting democrat. Accept it.

      What part of my last post made you think I’m upset about you not voting Democrat? I could give a shit if you vote for them, as much as I would like it, I care about people pretending that the green party is more than just a spoiler party when they don’t put forth the effort required to do what other third parties do.

      This isn’t “the system vs the greens” this is the greens being too lazy to perform basic party actions and blaming the systems for failures other parties don’t have.

      The greens are my problem here, not third parties. But you don’t want to hear that part, so I’m done arguing with you about it.

      • Socialist BerserkerOP
        -61 month ago

        so I’m done arguing with you about it.

        Awesome! I support you voting for whoever you want. As I am going to vote for who I want to. As is my right.

        • @Passerby6497
          11 month ago

          Yep, you have a right to waste your vote on a joke spoiler party. No one has said otherwise at any point in this conversation.

          • Socialist BerserkerOP
            -71 month ago

            Yep, you have a right to waste your vote on a joke spoiler party.

            That I don’t think is a joke spoiler party. No one has said otherwise at any point in this conversation.

            • @Passerby6497
              11 month ago

              And you have every right to ignore reality as well. We even have a major party that does so as well.

              No one has said otherwise at any point in this conversation.

              No, you’ve stated your opinion multiple times, and I’ve explained why your opinion doesn’t match reality.

              • Socialist BerserkerOP
                -101 month ago

                nd I’ve explained why your opinion doesn’t match reality.

                In YOUR opinion. You realize that I’m not the only one voting green right? There are lots of other people doing it to. But let me gues, they are ALL crazy too, right?

                Also, almost half of the country isn’t voting for your candidate. Welcome to democracy.

                I support you voting for whoever you want. And I am voting for whoever I want to.

                • @Passerby6497
                  11 month ago

                  My opinion, the objective reality where Stein has not done anything more than lose presidential election after election and never gaining a single national seat.



                  • Socialist BerserkerOP
                    -101 month ago

                    And you’re totally welcome to that opinion. As I am welcome to mine. And I’m still not voting for Harris. See how that works?