So they say that sitting too much shortens your life and all that. They also say that most of us sit incorrectly. I know I do. I constantly slide my butt forward and slouch. And I was thinking, what I need is a seat belt to keep me from sliding forward. But such a thing doesn’t seem to exist. There must be some problem with them that I am missing. Since Lemmy has lots of desk jockeys, I figured I would ask here.

  • @Harvey656
    27 months ago

    Your speaking of sitting at a desk correct?

    Have you tried a standing desk? Can’t sit forward if your not sitting. Otherwise the best thing to do is to muster the willpower to change your sitting habits, it’s like quiting smoking without the neck scratching. It isn’t easy to change posture but your body will thank you.

    • @Agent641
      7 months ago

      As someone who uses a standing desk, its still possible to have shitty posture at a standing desk lol. Im leaning over, standing on one food, hunched forward. Sometimes head down on desk, depending what sort of shit Im dealing with in the moment.

      • @Modern_medicine_isntOP
        17 months ago

        yep. I have a sit/stand desk. My posture is still crap when I stand. And then new things hurt along with the old.