After the article was published, Rick Wilson personally responded to Donald Trump in a video.

  • @Nightwingdragon
    57 months ago

    There is a 0% chance Trump will ever watch that video. His aides would take away his phone and have it melted down for scrap before they let him watch that video. He would be triggered, his dime-store-twitter response would be nuclear, and he would probably attack pediatric cancer patients nationwide in response because lashing out with unprovoked attacks aimed at random groups of people in order to draw attention to himself is literally the only play he has.

    • CoelacanthOP
      47 months ago

      Well, they probably can’t afford to put the whole 10 minute video on TV, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they put some parts of it in their next attack ad. They like buying ad slots on Fox in Florida/New Jersey whenever he’s golfing there to make sure he sees their stuff. That’s probably how he saw the previous ad to begin with - the one that lead to him furiously throwing them a cease & desist for being big meanies.