• @primrosepathspeedrun
      7 months ago

      it’s not that they don’t agree with me. it’s that they choose it. they deliberately reject all the parts of humanity I care about, the parts that things like human decency are FOR.

      If your idea of a person is this essentialized magical thing-in-itself that cannot change or be changed, and exists independently of context like the hegelian absolute; I guess you do you, but I think that’s absurd nonsense. there are reasons a person is a person. things that make them a person. it’s why we could, someday, possibly create a person from thinking-sand, why an elephant or octopus or crow should be assumed to be a person, and why a fascist is, entirely on purpose and with as much self knowledge and intention as they do anything, not a person.

      im not proposing we abuse them because they’re not people. pretty sure my desk isn’t a person, and I would rather nobody abuse it, please. the dirt outside my apartment isn’t a person, and if I saw someone kicking it I’d think they were fucking weird. I’m proposing we treat them poorly because they’re a fucking danger, and will fucking kill us if we don’t stop them, and there’s no moral hazard here.

        • @primrosepathspeedrun
          7 months ago

          anything that opposes or thoroughly critiques anything is just as bad as that thing!

          which makes you just as bad as me!

          which makes you, and anyone who says this is fucking stupid, by the transitive property; a nazi! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA