• @[email protected]
    1441 month ago

    This is so weird, I would think it’s a parody or false flag.

    But no, apparently it’s true.

    Same energy as the Trump diapers and ear patches.

    Weird and crazy. I would be ashamed to be associated with this crowd.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      I also instinctively thought to myself ‘this has got to be bullshit, you probably could get Grok to generate these images’.

      Then I remembered that it was only about two months ago that Trump supporters were wearing diapers to rallies… because… Trump wear diaper, people make fun of Trump wear diaper, so if we wear diaper, it like we ‘reclaiming’ diapers like how f@gs reclaimed f@g.

      That line of logic plus: anything that elicits … well it used to be anger, but now we’ll settle for confusion, genuine disgust, an exasperated sigh, any reaction at all, or even if there is no reaction but we know it secretly makes people mad… well that’s what you call owning the libs.

      These people long since passed the point of being indistinguishable from poe’s, from parodies of themselves, and are now much closer to brainwashed fanatical cultists… who have the mental faculties of a ‘friend’ group of 6th grade narcissist bullies.

      I really want this to be a spoof, its possible it could be (i am too tired to check), but its also entirely in line with these fascist goobers.

      So anyway, if these are real… does one keep this as a collectible of faux rotten semen, for display on a mantle or desk, or does one use the faux sperm receptacle to drink out of and mockingly pretend to be guzzling cum? See its funny cuz its not cum but you thought it was, moron.

      Fucking w e i r d.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        191 month ago

        Hey! Whoa!!! Thats uncalled for! As someone with two older sisters, who used to regularly call me goober, using the term in that way is an insult to honest well meaning goobers everywhere! We may be whimsicle, we may be weird, we may be happy go lucky…but we are NOT to be assosiated with facists!

        • @Broken_Monitor
          51 month ago

          After a lifetime of claiming that being weird is cooler because being normal is boring I may have to give that one up. Being a Trump cultist is NOT what I want people to think of if I say I’m a little weird.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          Hah, I too have been called a goober… it was past midnight and I was searching for some kind of term that wasn’t more explicitly crass and offensive.

          I am of the opinion that swearing and extremely rude insults are good, but only when used sparring, if you use them all the time, they lose their punch and you just sound like an overly aggressive idiot.

          Maybe at some point, someone will come up with a more specific more pointed epithet that truly encapsulates all of the ways these people are irredeemably despicable. I’ve used MAGAtard in the past, but various mods on lemmy consider that ableism.

      • @[email protected]
        111 month ago

        It would be a shame if Vance dropped out and someone got stuck with a storage unit full of unsold cum shot glasses

    • @ccunning
      91 month ago

      Weird and crazy. I would be ashamed to be associated with this crowd.

      These are my compatriots. I am ashamed.

    • @recapitated
      30 days ago

      Now I want to false flag more weird performance art ideas when maga does things in my town. Seems easy to get them on board.

    • @primrosepathspeedrun
      130 days ago

      but they’re incapable of shame or self awareness. it’s probably a big part of why fascism appeals to them.

  • @[email protected]
    1111 month ago

    This CANNOT be real. Even the MAGA cult would refuse to do such a thing. Even if the cups are empty, it’s unimaginably weird. I can only accept it as a quick joke between 5-6 people that took some photos and ended after a few minutes. Not as something organized.

    • @weariedfae
      611 month ago

      Based on a Google search your instincts seem correct. Legit but small.

      • @Invertedouroboros
        251 month ago

        Shit, even if it is a small inside joke or some shit, I can’t imagine the conversation nor the thought process that leads to "I’m gonna pose for a camera with a make believe jar of J.D. Vance’s jizz. Like, the fuck do you have to be on to think that’s even a remotely good idea?

      • flicker
        141 month ago

        I found one set of pics on Twitter, a different one on Threads. Still weird as hell.

    • @Duamerthrax
      231 month ago

      I thought that about the golden Trump statue at the RNC, but here we are.

    • @x00z
      131 month ago

      Please get me out of this filter bubble for the love of God.

    • @primrosepathspeedrun
      330 days ago

      you have to know by now there is no bar they cannot limbo under, no perversion that is too much for them.

    • @Illuminostro
      29 days ago

      I have no problem believing it. They’re hateful, spiteful, vindictive people who will literally debase themselves before authority to "fit in.’

    • JaggedRobotPubes
      230 days ago

      These posers aren’t even drinking it like a proper believer would. Fucking amateur ball over here.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    871 month ago

    They have nothing, so now they’re digging through the couch cushions.

    • @braxy29
      131 month ago

      i see what you did there.

  • @ccunning
    681 month ago

    …found at JDs Sperm Clinic…

      • @nomous
        111 month ago

        I’m not even making a joke here but does this guy trigger anyone elses gaydar at all?

        I know he’s married with a family but when I see him, or especially see him talking/moving I definitely get a vibe you know?

        It’s the same vibe I get from Charlie Kirk.

        • Cethin
          131 month ago

          He’s for sure gay. He talks in his book about when he was “tricked” into believing he was gay. He has just suppressed it his entire life. It’s probably why he’s such a sad weird loser.

        • @primrosepathspeedrun
          730 days ago

          aside from having peter thiels arm so far up he can taste it, he spends his time on a discord server full of 20 yr old statue-perv greek-gay fascists.

          so yes, in the worst way. kind of why he thinks women are only useful for reproduction.

          • @Illuminostro
            230 days ago

            That ain’t Thiel’s arm. And if it isn’t, that’s not what J.D. wished it was.

        • @Illuminostro
          30 days ago

          He’s a narcissist who was smarter than the other trailer park kids, and wants to distance himself as much as possible from his heritage. I’ve seen it a million times. They’re snobbish, materialistic, judgemental, cruel, and just extremely unpleasant individuals. I’m slightly sympathetic in that they’re damaged individuals, but I’ll never trust one, and they don’t give two shits about anyone who doesn’t benefit them, or they’re not related to. And the latter is entirely situational and transactional. They’ll abandon family in a heartbeat if they’re determined a liability or embarrassment.

  • Noble Shift
    6130 days ago

    Whoa. Not on my 2024 Bingo card that’s for sure …

    • @NewAgeOldPerson
      30 days ago


      Me either bud. Me either. I had to double take that. Wow.

      Edit: had to come back to check and confirm it’s not the Onion.

      • Noble Shift
        830 days ago

        I’m doing TOC (The Onion Check) several times a week … shit’s crazy yo.

  • @mightyfoolish
    491 month ago

    J.D. Vance dresses in drag, thought he was gay, and expirements sexually. No doubt the Republicans are doing this to show solidarity for the LGBT community; cause this is pretty gay.

  • @breadsmasher
    471 month ago

    I guess they’re squeezing JD Vances sperm out from couch cushions?

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      471 month ago

      To be fair…THAT couch looks pretty fuckable!

    • @TrickDacy
      -31 month ago

      Why are these couch cushions shaped like a nude woman bent over?

      This joke is getting a bit weird at this point.

      • @breadsmasher
        121 month ago

        Its two arm chairs side by side. Maybe you have the same affliction as JDVanny?

        • @TrickDacy
          -61 month ago

          Well I don’t have the affliction of continuing to make the same joke, that was never based on anything real, for weeks

          If you’re saying that I am “afflicted” with noticing things very intentionally made to look like a naked woman asking for sex with her posture… Uh yeah, that’s called preferring women and having a sex drive. Kinda programmed by millions of years of evolution for that one.

          Maybe you fuck all the things you notice, but I don’t.

          • @breadsmasher
            101 month ago

            You seem rather upset by a silly joke.

            Are you ok?

            • @TrickDacy
              -31 month ago

              You: “people I take issue with are all couch fuckers”

              Me: “actually that doesn’t make sense”

              You: “wow you sure are upset!”

              • @breadsmasher
                41 month ago

                Ah, very upset. Are you offended on behalf of a couch?

              • @Dasus
                029 days ago

                Let’s check, maybe?

                Would you identify as a conservative?

                If American, are you planning on voting for Harris?

                • @TrickDacy
                  029 days ago

                  No fucking clue what this is

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    461 month ago

    Wearing diapers? Sticking maxi pads on their ears? Now carrying some sample cups?

    TF is wrong with the people?

    • @Huschke
      1 month ago

      Yeah, I don’t think weird is a strong enough word to describe them. This shit is beyond weird 🤨

    • @Illuminostro
      30 days ago

      They need to belong to a team. A tribe. Everyone wants friends, a social group. Humans are pack animals, we don’t do well in isolation. But I’ll never understand the “My Team No Matter What” mindset. Life is not a zero sum game. These people believe that if someone else is given something, they themselves must be losing something. Republican philosophy appeals to greed, envy, and selfishness, and attracts those who believe in those things.

    • @primrosepathspeedrun
      -430 days ago

      lotsa shit, but fascists aren’t people. their sickness has gone so far past that.

      • @Illuminostro
        30 days ago

        Yes, they are. You’re espousing the dehumanization of them. Which is the problem.

        • @primrosepathspeedrun
          129 days ago

          no, im saying we should respect their dehumanization of themselves.

          it’s not a reason to do violence to them. my shoes aren’t people, and I would be upset if you fed them through a wood chipper. just a reason not to feel too bad if we need to.

        • @[email protected]
          130 days ago

          What, exactly, is the problem with rejecting the humanity of people who literally believe in race science and want to literally kill you in mass genocide?

          Liberals will go to any lengths to defend fascists if it means they can send one last sneer to the left, holy shit.

        • @primrosepathspeedrun
          29 days ago

          no, they did that, deliberately and by choice. if you treat them like people they get mad, and I think it might be unethical if you see them as such.

          unethical as in, like, violating their consent and contradicting their self image and shit. they do not consent to common human decency, and wouldn’t accept it in good faith if they could, which they cannot.

          edit: think about it like using the wrong pronouns for someone because you think they’re such a cute (their AAB gender), it’s fucking rude. no matter how cute a (whatever) you think of them as. they don’t want you to.

          • @Warl0k3
            230 days ago

            Dude if you aren’t a troll, go and sit and really think about what you just said, because it’s both disgusting and absolutely insane. This is some deep trump cultist bullshit.

            • @primrosepathspeedrun
              29 days ago

              this has been explicitly stated by some fascists in the past, there was this one german guy, forget his name, after world war one, fucked him up a bunch I think, and then went hard into that masturbating-to-being-crushed-in-the-bowels-of-the-machine marionetti shit to be a super-loyal nazi with the explicitly stated goal of crushing out all the humanity from him/the world (IDR it was a footnote on something I read years ago) then switched to bolshevism when he met a lenninist, because he thought that was worse.

              it’s like shitting on someone’s weird it/it’s neopronouns. treating fascists like people is rude. to the fascists. and to all the kids who played games where they shot a bunch of extremely blocky nazis growing up and dont want to have to be fucking woke about it and pretend they’re people now.

      • @[email protected]
        329 days ago

        I can find these people repulsive and dangerous while acknowledging that we belong to the same species. It’s not something they’re capable of giving away, even when they act inhumanly.

        It’s not like recognizing reality grants them some clemency or grace. This isn’t even the point, but if anything it damns them further, because (if you believe in free will) it means they could choose to be better.

        • @primrosepathspeedrun
          129 days ago

          it’s not about being the same species.

          this is, in fact, about the criteria for intelligence inclusive of non-human intelligences

          we can’t just say ‘all humans are automatically in’. if you’re not going to be a bigoted piece of shit. and I think it’s pretty clear there are entirely non-hypothetical non-human people. elephants, dolphins, corvids, octopi, etc. these are persons. on top of hypothetical non-human people we might make from the thought-sand or find out amongst the stars, who we should have some metric to at least indicate personhood for.

          so, if the criteria isn’t just “human” (which is bigoted as shit) then you need other criteria; a bar which it is at least hypothetically possible for a human to limbo under, with fascists being the world limbo champions. on purpose. intentionally. to the point insisting they are human and have all the capacities and fullness of humans (which, remember, they don’t want, and are mostly upset by the existence of) seems disrespectful. they’re objects. like a desk. that isn’t to say you should attack them because they’re objects. I am currently surrounded by objects that I would rather not see attacked. it just means there’s no moral dimension to any degree of self defense, if, say; my purse tries to kill me and I need to stab it.

          • @[email protected]
            28 days ago

            we can’t just say ‘all humans are automatically in’.

            We can. Humanity and personhood can be distinct. We can just say that. For instance a brain-dead human is still a human despite lacking all self-awareness and intelligence. That’s fine.

            Not trying to be rude, but I’m not even sure what your point is. Denying a bigot’s humanity because a cuttlefish is a person… You’re making a connection somewhere that I’m just not getting.

            I’m saying someone is a human being regardless of their intelligence or compassion. I think you may be going by Frank Herbert’s or another’s définition.

            EDIT oh I just saw the last paragraph. I see now. I don’t disagree that fascists are lacking in certain critical faculties or even that defending your rights with violence is wrong, but I do think it’s dangerous to de-humanise others to the degree you’re doing.

            For one, I don’t think humans who lack empathy, etc are P Zombies or anything, so they are capable of experiencing complex pain and distress. They’re not things.

            Secondly, they can sometimes change and “become” human through experiences. Like what about the hardcore fascist 17 year old, who already had the seeds of doubt germinating in their subconscious? Undoubtedly still dangerous, but very much a full human.

  • Jo Miran
    1 month ago

    All I see here is proof that those MAGA folk love themselves some of that Bad Dragon cum lube.

    • @[email protected]
      141 month ago

      Get xLube or kLube powder and add in titanium dioxide when you mix it, that’s all it is and it’s way cheaper to do it yourself.

      • Jo Miran
        161 month ago

        Looking into it seems that “Cum Lube” is likely K-Lube since J-Lube goes bad relatively quickly. That said, if the lube is going inside someone, it seems like J-Lube is a much safer alternative.

        TIL. Thank you for the search prompt kind stranger.

        • @[email protected]
          830 days ago

          xLube is pure polyethylene oxide, kLube is xLube with preservatives, and jLube is kLube with a bunch of sugar for some reason! I use xLube personally, if you make it with bottled water it can last a month or two.

          • Flying Squid
            730 days ago

            It’s not often these days you meet a true lube connoisseur. My hat is off to you and your extensive knowledge of sexual lubricants!

            • @[email protected]
              730 days ago

              Stuffing my butt has been my main hobby for the last year or so, happy to share what I’ve learned!

              • @[email protected]
                329 days ago

                We’re all here for your expertise, much better conversation than the insanity of modern day politics.

          • Jo Miran
            230 days ago

            It was my understanding that jLube is nothing but different sugars.

      • @Illuminostro
        130 days ago

        My ass lube has zinc. All gearheads agree it’s the best additive.

        • @[email protected]
          229 days ago

          Just avoid lubes with glycol in them if you’re going to be using it for anal. Glycol actually acts as a laxative when applied anally, it makes it hard to relax your butt muscles and you might notice a bit of an unpleasant sensation. Many cheap water based premixed lubes use it as a base ingredient.

  • @Makeitstop
    391 month ago

    It’s amazing what you can find in your couch cushions.

  • @aluminium
    271 month ago

    How can GTA 6 ever top that?

  • @[email protected]
    251 month ago

    What’s with the sperm fetish?

    Some magats want to lube their gun with liberal cum, others want to donate Vance sperm to needy liberals (how compassionate of them, for a change).

      • @Illuminostro
        230 days ago

        “Honey, can we do butt stuff, and let me cover you up from the waist up with the sheets. And lower your voice, and say “Harder, daddy.””

    • @TrickDacy
      31 month ago

      Some magats want to lube their gun with liberal cum,

      Uh what? Guessing this was a single deeply schizophrenic individual. Otherwise I’m going to need some evidence this happened more than once. Because why would it have?

        • @TrickDacy
          130 days ago


          uh ok…

          Also thanks for the bizarro-world-presented-as-commonplace etsy link.

      • @[email protected]
        41 month ago

        I guess it’s something you can buy in magat stores, I have seen memes with t-shirts and stickers/banners.

        • @TrickDacy
          11 month ago

          Ok I was asking for evidence of it. In any case I don’t get it at all. If it was liberal tears or something, that would actually make some sense.

    • @Illuminostro
      30 days ago

      Man milk is the source of “Chad.” Every badass know this. I think you need to go float in Rogan’s isolation tank of tiger blood and rhino jizz, to man you up. Do you even lift, bro?


  • @[email protected]
    251 month ago

    Nothings funnier and straighter than a ton of men carrying around another guys sperm in a cup in public. /s