As students return to college campuses across the United States, administrators are bracing for a resurgence in activism against the war in Gaza.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    I think you make a good point. I approach things from my libertarian-leaning background, so my focus is usually on negative rights and “don’t tread on me”. However, the real world is complicated and so local application of the non-aggression principle is in practice often insufficient. I still insist that preventing disruption does not infringe on the right to free speech, but I will concede that sometimes a reasonable level of disruption is necessary to achieve just ends.

    Of course as soon as a non-zero limit is considered acceptable, the limit becomes a matter of opinion and pushing the limit is incentivized. I prefer absolutes, but I guess there’s no escape from the need for good judgement.

    Edit: I also want to say that I really appreciate your thoughtful comments.

    • g0zer
      6 months ago

      You’ve made some really good points and I’ll be thinking on them in the days to come.

      I don’t have much else to add, but I do want to say that I really appreciate the honest and nuanced discussion here.

      At the end of the day, we don’t always have to always agree on every specific detail and these kinds of discussions allow us to explore our biases and will shape our collective responses. And that is good for the community as a whole…