I was trying to think of which games created certain mechanics that became popular and copied by future games in the industry.

The most famous one that comes to my mind is Assassin’s Creed, with the tower climbing for map information.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Been around since at least early Final Fantasy / Chrono Trigger SNES era (for some values of action). Maybe Atari ‘Adventure’.

    • @Buddahriffic
      17 months ago

      Could even say it goes back to the Zelda games on NES. Metroidvania games might also count. Those games all have the “you might progress in any available direction” mechanic, which IMO is the core of the open world mechanic.

      There’s also some games like Star tropics where the whole world was open (as in you could return to previous locations) but progress was more linear.

      Would super Mario world count as open world? Not as old as the NES ones I mentioned, but I’m curious. Or say if you could go back to previous worlds in SMB3, would that be open world?