Today’s game is L.A. Noire (also probably the last screenshot i’ll take of it unless 100% takes longer then expected). I was up way later than i thought i would be completing it (Nicholson Electroplating didn’t help), but i can proudly say i completed the story.


I took this screenshot in the tunnels in the final mission. I loved the last few chapters. It feels like it shook things up by making you the one fleeing and wanted by the law.

  • @KeefChief13
    324 days ago

    Never played this one tbh. I have been having fun with WoW dragonflight recently. Excited for the new expansion.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      223 days ago

      WoW if one of those games that I’ve always wanted to try, but it just seems like such a steep learning curve

      • @KeefChief13
        123 days ago

        I’d say it’s actually way easier than it used to be. Play it for fun, and it will unfold in a really nice way.