Believe I also turned off all “promo” emails and communications of any sort in the settings while i did have linkedin… thinking about just straight up deleting it now instead of leaving the profile deactivated.

  • @CM400
    367 months ago

    I signed up for Nextdoor to see ONE MESSAGE, then I cancelled my account and unsubscribed multiple times. I still get at least 2 emails per day from them.

    • Sips'OP
      187 months ago

      damn, surely you can block their emails though? No way they’re sending that from different emails each time? I hope…

      • @CM400
        147 months ago

        It all goes to spam now, but for about a month (I think) after unsubscribing the final time I had 8-10 squeak through every week.

        I just checked my junk folder, and I’ve had 21 emails from them, despite being blocked and having unsubscribed, since the 1st of August.

        Also, if anyone reading this is or knows a US Military veteran, PLEASE tell them to not sign up for Together We Served. It’s supposed to be like Facebook for veterans, but it sucks. The thing is, I tried their “premium” service and later could not cancel (I had to have my bank block their charges and get a new card) AND I get just as many or more emails from them too. They’ve gone to my junk folder for so long I’d completely forgot about it. Seriously, that site should not be allowed to operate like that, and it was even pushed to us in official Veterans Affairs emails.

        • @warbond
          27 months ago

          I signed up for TWS almost 20 years ago, but I never really used it. Isn’t it really just for finding old service buddies?

          • @CM400
            27 months ago

            I guess? I got a couple of emails from the VA that mentioned it and then I signed up. Don’t know how much it has changed in the meantime. I stopped using it after I kept getting messages from people I don’t/didn’t know about politics, and immediately ran into the problem of cancelling their paid service…

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      OMG, I’m going through this now. Signed up to see some details of a local street sale. Thankfully, I used a throwaway email and did NOT verify my location. But I’m getting daily emails no matter what I try.

      Good news is that I can simply terminate the throwaway account, and I’m good. But it’s funny seeing the drama in my neighbourhood. LOL

    • Midnight Wolf
      7 months ago
      • Have your domain send all messages of unknown accounts sent to one ‘real’ address (catch-all)
      • Have unique email addresses for every website/service (use a password manager to keep track of credentials)
      • When an address gets compromised, caught in a data breach, etc just change the email address to a new address and also (see next)
      • When shit websites don’t respect opt-out/account closure/etc, send messages to that address to a black hole

      Squeeky-clean inbox, and a happy you

      • @AA5B
        17 months ago

        Plus now there are services that make this easier. I use “Hide my Email” in my iPhone but I’m sure there are other such services. It generates a unique email address that forwards to my real email, and stores it in the password manager. At any time I can simply click to stop the forwarding and it’s gone

        It seems to work! I only wish I had it sooner since most spam is from accounts where I had to use real email