See who yells back POLO!!!

  • @Lost_My_MindOP
    429 days ago

    Ah, well you see, Marco was a Water Polo player who used to stab peoples eyes out in the 1800s in the pool. Then he’d yell his own name out and everybody else would scream in horror as they bled from their eyes. One of them yelled they just wanted to play a delightful game of Water Polo, but all anyone heard over the screaming was Polo. So Marco concentrated his efforts over to trying to find the Polo player.

    Source: I don’t fuckin know…

      • @Lost_My_MindOP
        129 days ago

        Damn. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that…

        What? You’re used to “if I had a nickle”? Inflation, my guy! Pay up, bitches!