The way i read it : Our theoretical framework, allowing matter creation (*) provides a possible origin for the universe (without the need of a Big Bang). Also this is quite timely in the actual context of new observations made by the James Webb space telescope that are in tention with classical models.

(*)(after an hypothetical inflatory period, […or at any time as long as the universe expands…])

title of this post is taken from section : VII. SUMMARY
Of : Cosmological Particle Production: A Review

Preprint :
(2021 December 7 // @ arXiv…)

The article has been published in a peer reviewed journal paywall warning.

  • @nikaaa
    25 months ago

    Ok maybe my numbers were a little bit off but the point is: if the universe were created slowly, we’d see clear traces of that. but the evidence points into the opposite direction, that the universe, at some point, was very hot and dense, before stars started forming. So the question is, where would all that matter come from? I deem it’s unlikely to all just be “one huge quantum fluctuation”, but i’m not sure about that; cosmology is exotic sometimes.

    • @A_AOP
      25 months ago

      i like that you were looking for a mechanism to avoid thermal death of the universe.

      As for my inspiration : since many years I have read about discrepancies between standard model (including the big Bang) versus observations and I came to believe (with many confirmations as the year goes by) that our current cosmology is incomplete or wrong.

      • @nikaaa
        25 months ago

        … and I came to believe that our current cosmology is incomplete or wrong.

        Well, yes, I agree with you.