• @TrickDacy
    16 months ago

    You seem pretty childish too, unable to tell the difference in an expectation and a “demand.”

    • @[email protected]
      -16 months ago

      Complaining about someone not using a shit heap of a productivity killer of a tool when they’ve made it clear that there are actually valid ways to communicate is a demand by definition.

      It’s a demand that someone destroy their productivity to service your arbitrary bullshit.

      • @TrickDacy
        26 months ago

        Mental children may not understand that sending an “instant message” such as via slack is more of a demand than sending an email and expecting a response eventually.

        It’s truly bizarre that you want to fight with me about this. Not only is your opinion weird, it means nothing to me since you were a rude weirdo about it. Thanks for letting me know how to interact with you in the future though.

        • @Jiggle_Physics
          26 months ago

          Yeah, this person is acting like breaking their concentration on something, to read an e-mail, is drastically different than doing the same thing, for a text. This is a ridiculous assertion. Unless you intentionally make it so you have to log into your e-mail every time you want to use it, but just leave slack, or whatever, open. If you do, that is your fault, not something wrong with e-mail. You can just see e-mail notifications, and then look at the window, just like any messaging system.

          This person just has an irrational, personal, dislike of e-mail vs other communication methods. They are trying to make it seem like they have some sort of objective reason for their preference, and it isn’t just a personal preference. This way they can try and force everyone around them to bend to their preferences, while telling themselves it is everyone else who is wrong. Like yeah, e-mail isn’t the greatest thing around, however it still has some aspects that it does better than anything else, especially in a professional environment. There are rational, objective, reasons most companies still use e-mail, even though they all have slack groups too.

          • @TrickDacy
            6 months ago

            Thank you for being a reasonable person and taking the time to write that. I fully agree, and well said.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            All communication is a massive, productivity destroying distraction when you’re working on something.

            Structured tools are designed to organize and control communication into channels that are designed to handle when and how you deal with different things. Email is not, and bad tooling doesn’t come close to closing the gap.

            He’s throwing a tantrum over the perfectly reasonable “we have structured communication tools; email is not a legitimate way to contact me”, and pretending forcing them to use an alternate, bad tool is somehow doing them a favor.

            • @Jiggle_Physics
              26 months ago

              He’s throwing a tantrum? Did you forget which account you are on?

              “disgusting opinion” oh jesus fucking christ. Please tell me you are a troll, or like 12.

        • @[email protected]
          -16 months ago

          Fragmenting communication into anti-productivity tools then expecting a response is not less demanding.

          The only “rude weirdo” is the person jumping down someone’s throat for stating the fact that a “half second” is literally never a half second, and is very frequently hours of time wasted.

          • @TrickDacy
            16 months ago

            In the time you wasted raging at me, you could’ve replied to like 5 emails your colleagues are waiting to hear from you on but you have a bizarre principle against doing.

            You must be a pain in the dick to work with, judging by this exchange

            • @[email protected]
              -16 months ago

              I’m not on the clock, and demanding someone do a literal second of work off the clock is equally demanding jackass behavior.

              • @TrickDacy
                16 months ago

                You’ve wasted more of my time with this than a month of work emails would. But congratulations on somehow thinking I was asking you to… Work without getting paid or something? That took imagination.

                • @[email protected]
                  -16 months ago

                  Why would I give a shit? You’re choosing to use a social media app. The time you waste is entirely on you, and I’m entitled to call out disgusting opinions. Unless someone tells you they use an email address, getting pissy when they don’t respond to it when they gave you a legitimate way to get in contact with them makes you, exclusively, the bad guy.

                  “You should be doing work” with no knowledge that someone’s on the clock is inherently toxic bullshit.

                  • @TrickDacy
                    16 months ago

                    In the time you wasted raging at me, you could’ve replied to like 5 emails your colleagues are waiting to hear from you on

                    I am not sure how this point was lost on you other than pure thickheadedness. I was clearly saying you don’t mind wasting a ton of time trying to piss me off, but somehow if a colleague emails you, you’re enraged at how they don’t value your time. You’re really bending over backwards to not understand other people, in multiple ways.

                  • @TrickDacy
                    16 months ago

                    disgusting opinions

                    Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha

                    Are you 13?