What’s the best way to monitor and log which processes are responsible for high system load throughout the day? Tools like top and htop only provide immediate values, but I’m looking for a solution that offers historical data to identify the main culprits over time.


#sysadmin #linux #server

  • Onno (VK6FLAB)
    77 months ago

    Clicked the link, started reading … closed the window when I read “Netdata also incorporates A.I. insights for all monitored data”.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Eesh. Yeah, that’s a nope from me, dawg.

      Actually, it’s all self-hosted. Granted, I haven’t looked at the code in detail, but building NNs to help efficiently detect and capture stuff is actually a very appropriate use of ML. This project looks kinda cool.

      • Onno (VK6FLAB)
        17 months ago

        Machine Learning might be marketed as “all fine and dandy”, but I’m not planning on running a monitor training system loose on my production server under any circumstances.

        Not to mention that for it to be useful I’d have to give it at least a year of logs, which is both impossible and pointless, since the system running a year ago is not remotely the same as the one running today, even if not a single piece of our own code changed, which of course it did, the OS, applications and processes have been continually updated by system updates and security patches.

        So, no.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          That’s why I put in the caveat about looking at the code. If you can’t grok what’s going on, that’s fine, but someone who does get it and can comfortably assert that no sketchy “phone home” shit is going on can and should use stuff like this, if they’re so inclined.

    • @jimmy90
      7 months ago

      this limited scope ML trained analysis is actually where “AI” excels, e.g. “computer vision” in specific medical scenarios

        • @jimmy90
          17 months ago

          you don’t think they could get training data from friendly customers using their service?