• @breadsmasher
    6 months ago

    I stated both. I listed both corporate and personal tax. What are you referring to?

    edit - do you mean the personal bracket?

      • Promethiel
        16 months ago

        I thought I had a problem with taking a point or two and stretching them across a handful of paragraphs. I no longer think I have a problem and indeed have learned a few things to limber up and aim for greater mental gymnastic heights.

        You’re not just a fly in history’s wall, to hear you retell it, you can read hearts and minds better’n than most deities too. A graph tells a shaky story but your certainty of the intent of every actor involved is inviolate?

        Please don’t write back at me, for the first time in my life, I comprehend the fear of my acquaintanceships and the long rambling.