I really want to just go put something under the wheels but I’ve never talked to these people.

Update edit: thank you for all the replies. I went over and knocked but no answer. It’s definitely not chocked. If I see them come home I’ll go back over. I’m worried as soon as the weight shifts loading it that it will just go down the hill.

  • @neonred
    223 days ago

    I’m not sure I understand that

    • @Aermis
      123 days ago

      People don’t like being told they’re wrong. Especially on their own stuff. Kind suggestions to a neighbor will go better than just unsolicited blocking their trailer. Imagine them hitching up within hours of this picture being taken, start to drive off and then damage their trailer coming off makeshift blocks that you so graciously put there without their consent.

      • @neonred
        122 days ago

        I did not recommend to block the trailer for them but to have the suggestion of using blocks in front of the wheels to be enough in the conversation about that trailer being in danger of rolling away.

        • @Aermis
          122 days ago

          Oh. OP suggested blocking the wheels and you said why wouldn’t you.

          I guess you meant why wouldn’t you to him talking to his neighbors. To that I agree. I miss the days where neighbors all knew each other and regularly talked.

          • @neonred
            222 days ago

            Yes, that’s what I meant. Looks like my response was not very comprehensible, sorry about that.

            • @Aermis
              122 days ago

              Oh no worries. I misunderstood you.