Rich Logis, a former voter for former President Trump, appeared in a video message broadcast to the Democratic National Convention on Monday night to say that the COVID-19 pandemic showed him how Trump was “lying about pretty much everything.”

“I believed Trump,” he said. “When the pandemic hit, we needed leadership, but we were given almost nothing. It was a major betrayal to the country.”

Logis described himself as a “full-fledged member of MAGA” and encouraged fellow voters that there was still time to change their minds about whom to cast a ballot for in November.

  • @someguy3
    28 days ago

    OCs comment is basically “All the politicians lied to them so it’s totally understandable that they won’t trust Democrats… but blindly follow Republicans”

    This is why they liked Trump (the first time anyway). The other Republicans say one thing then do another. They saw Trump as actually meaning it. Course it didn’t happen and the ones that see that are bailing.

    Trump used to talk a good game, but, well that’s it.

    • @ChronosTriggerWarning
      327 days ago

      Trump did not “talk a good game.” His grift is painfully obvious to anyone that’s graduated from kindergarten. Him getting elected is just an example of how stupid a sizeable chunk of this country truly is.

      • Pandantic [none/username]
        327 days ago

        I agree wit both of you - Trump talked a good game for people with little education, presented himself as an “outsider who would drain the swamp” of politicians they have learned to distrust, he “said what he meant” (aka insults and bigotry), and was a “self-made millionaire” (something they all aspire to and believe they could be someday). It was a good grift for the population he targeted, as the original commenter said, angry at industry leaving their towns, angry at politicians not helping. You know what PT Barnum said: “There is a fool born every minute”. He said a lot of other applicable things too because he was a successful con man, just like Trump.

      • @someguy3
        27 days ago

        When you listen to him now and him 8 years ago, you realize he used to talk about bringing back jobs and industry. He doesn’t do that anymore. I agree people should have been able to see through it then. But now he relies too much on attacks and he’s showing through, so more people can see through it (and from his no results from 4 years, and Jan 6).