    22 days ago

    Translation :

    “Because I’m a fucking ghoul rat, I see the shit-smelling Trump ship sinking. So now I want to pretend that - even though I voted for the skid-mark 3 times - I’m someone you should definitely see as a decent person because only now (but not after he said “grab them by the pussy” or when he made fun of the disabled reporter, or when he threw kids in cages, or when he lied constantly, spouted demagoguery, or pushed his supporters to storm the Capitol building in D.C.) - when he looks to be politically vulnerable - I want to distance myself and pretend I’m somehow worthy of praise while also hoping to be able to be re-elected eventually when people start looking at voting for Rs again.”

    • @TankovayaDiviziya
      -1122 days ago

      That’s all politicians in a nutshell. Though opportunism seems more common among the right.