I was gonna buy a pinephone, but i want to know if this is really the best choice. I’m a real fan of the hardware switches. Any recommendations?

  • Sebastian Krzyszkowiak
    229 days ago

    @ambitiousslab It’s probably PipeWire. AFAIK nobody adjusted the audio pipeline to work there with echo cancellation and noise reduction yet. I wouldn’t consider it suitable for phone use until that happens. It’s not rocket science, PipeWire is actually more flexible than PulseAudio for this kind of stuff, but… someone has to do it. Switching back to PulseAudio and reproducing the config from PureOS (including ALSA UCM profiles) would likely give you much better experience right now.

    • Sebastian Krzyszkowiak
      229 days ago

      @ambitiousslab (I have to admit that it’s partially my own fault; I have reworked L5 UCM profiles from the ground up long time ago, but neglected upstreaming them and now there are flawed profiles in upstream repos ☹️)

      • @[email protected]
        229 days ago

        Thanks for explaining some of the history, it makes some sense and gives me some things to try. Thanks for all the work you’ve done on the mobile stack as well. It’s made my life a lot better. And maybe one day I’ll be able to ditch the backup nokia too :)