I’m not too studied-up on CORS, but I know what it’s there for. Currently there’s a number of things that are not possible to do because our generator is on a different subdomain than other generators or iframes, etc. etc. and even the top-level page we’re actually on.

With that allowed (I think CORS can allow this), there’s a lot more customisation we can do of things like t2i image iframes and gallery iframes, reading/changing the top-level url, etc. Maybe that’s something you don’t want to allow, but I for one have wanted to do these things for completely benign legit reasons multiple times.

  • @perchanceM
    122 days ago


    What’s this?

    not being able to see the path it’s received is a bit annoying

    Fixed, thanks!

    Should I scour the windows object for such hidden gems

    Nope, just https://perchance.org/advanced-tutorial - and if you find something that you want to use, but isn’t documented there, please let me know

    • @wthit56OP
      122 days ago

      :target is a css pseudo-selector. So you could put a:target { color:red; }, and then links will be red if they have the id of the #hash. Lets you visually change elements when they’re the one being linked to.

      Ah, admittedly I did sorta skim that doc; I’d read so much stuff that day from everywhere else 😅