• @hark
    296 months ago

    Nothing shady about that commentary after seeing how they screwed up. I couldn’t believe how amateur hour the cause of the crash was (the program not validating definition file contents, which spectacularly failed when fed a file consisting only of zeroes). They should rename themselves to ClownTrike.

    • @db2
      146 months ago

      That wasn’t what was in the file, it was actual stuff. I saved a copy of it.

      What happened was the file directed their craptastic snake oil software, which did absolutely no sanity checking first, to access memory it wasn’t actually given which predictably resulted in it crashing, and since its dick was way up the kernels butt at the time they both went down together.

      I’ve been calling them ClownStrike because they’re clowns and their incompetence struck everyone else hard.

      • @hark
        56 months ago

        Ah, thanks for the clarification on the details. Either way it boggles my mind that they didn’t have checks in place.

      • @aodhsishaj
        56 months ago

        Yup a null pointer reference for a boot time driver. Which Microsoft never should’ve signed and should revoke. But ya know… Money