• @HeyJoe
    27 months ago

    No idea what the hate is for the game, but I bet people are already complaining. The last few trailers look really good. I hope the reviews and feedback is positive because this looks like something I wanna play right now.

    • @PunchingWoodOPM
      17 months ago

      People seem to hate it for various dumb reasons.

      Like gameplay being generic, or bad animations/lipsyncing, even for a woman lead, or just because it’s a Ubisoft and Star Wars game. The recent IGN gameplay demo wasn’t phenomenal, but I feel like they just picked a bad/boring mission to demonstrate, which was probably on an older build as well. All the other recent videos look fantastic.

      Frankly most of these complaints are heavily exaggerated and poor excuses to hate on SW and/or Ubisoft, it looks like a fun game to me, especially as a SW fan. Sadly the SW community is also infested with ‘fans’ that hate practically everything about SW. I think sadly this game will suffer from instant review-bombing from the toxic crowd as soon as it launches.

      • @HeyJoe
        17 months ago

        Yeah, I hate the complaint about not adding anything new to the table… this describes like 99% of all games released today. It’s super hard to have an original idea, and that’s fine. I only care about how they implement those features to make a fun game. I’ve been playing for over 30 years now, I feel like there’s only 1 new game every few years that offers up something truly new.