• Jerkface (any/all)
    26 months ago

    Fascism is an expression of innate qualities of human psychology. It’s barely even meaningful to consider it a political philosophy, it’s no more than exploitation of induced fear and hatred for political ends. It will never go away.

    I don’t think it’s helpful to think of our family, neighbours, and friends who find comfort in fascism as stupid. They are scared, not stupid. They’re doing stupid things, but intelligence is no defense against emotional manipulation.

    • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
      36 months ago

      We didn’t say they were stupid, we said wilfully ignorant, which they are quite literally being. Women aren’t doing the same thing, so it’s clear there are ways around it that men aren’t using.

      • Jerkface (any/all)
        16 months ago

        Or, that the psyop techniques researched a decade ago are just much more effective on men… </tinfoilhat>

        • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
          16 months ago

          I think it’s likely that we’re just so used to being catered to, that as soon as we aren’t, we start to throw tantrums and demand to be the centre of attention again. Like these numbers aren’t just bad, they’re terminal: Boomers are less conservative than men 35 and under.

          We’re fucked if we stay on this path. Why would the Cons care to actually do what they promised to if half of all men will vote for them no-matter what they do?