Done something to my calf a few weeks back, and every once in a while when I try to move around, all jolly like, it feels like my calf is going to tear in two. Would really like to know what the hell I did to it…It’s not in a place that I could have hit it at all, O_o.

  • @ChamelAjvalelOP
    11 year ago

    I think it was both of them. I ran a few tests, and both caused issues. However, however, there may have been underlying issues that were intensified by the meds, too. I had food poisoning and covid a month and a half before. Although, I don’t think I had any long lasting affects from Covid, but it sure seemed like I had an ulcer with the food poisoning.

    Throw in that I’m kind of paranoid about taking meds of any kind (meaning, I don’t take over the counter medicines for long). So it might have happened even if I took over the counter meds.

    Seriously, just way too many unknowns, and not having had the money to look into this thoroughly, I’m really just flying in the dark. I’ve finally gotten used to having a belly now, and I’m slowly getting used to watching my food more carefully (whict sometimes I can’t. Wife doesn’t take much interest in me, so she doesn’t know I can’t/shouldn’t eat certain things, and she can get angry with me when I don’t want something from a restaurant she wants to go).

    Mind is kind of wonky right now. Oof!

    • @SpezCanLigmaBallsM
      11 year ago

      This sounds like a super stressful situation ): I hope you are able to figure it out with what is best for you

      • @ChamelAjvalelOP
        11 year ago

        I have been having a lot of problems with my mind, and I’m getting pretty bad at driving. Unfortuntely, I’m pretty much trapped here. I just don’t know what to do or even if I should do anything. I don’t even know if I could learn a new career, and I know I can’t do it here. I used to get into so much trouble because I wasn’t doing everything when I tried to learn things. Hell, evon when I did work at least part time, I still got in trouble…STOP IT…I’m not doing that again. Oof!

        Damn pain and GERD keeps me motionless which stresses me out, to which I get overly chatty. Erf! I’m so bored, and so tired of doing so little…ppppp!

        • @SpezCanLigmaBallsM
          21 year ago

          Yeah sometimes I got very chatty on Reddit and then here this whole year because I was so bored and did nothing. So I feel you on that. You seem like you’re in a very tough spot. I hope you are able to figure something out to make yourself even a bit happier even if it’s something little every once in a while