• @SulaymanF
    225 days ago

    If you think the Palestinian-American community and the 3.7 million Arab Americans or the 7 million American Muslims don’t matter then fine, try to win against Trump without any of our help. We’ve been one of the most pro-Democrat communities in America and have been committed donors, only to be thrown under the bus by Biden and now Democrats. Know that Biden won Michigan by 100,000 votes and there’s 200,000 Arab-Americans in that state. Harris could lose Michigan if she endorses Biden’s approach of unconditional support for Israeli violence.

    • @Carrolade
      -125 days ago

      No, you haven’t been one of the most pro-Democratic communities in America, not even close.


      Note that only 60% say that even a hard shift on Israeli policy would have made them more likely to support Biden. If you could say with confidence that we wouldn’t lose more pro-Israeli votes from American moderates than what we could gain, then this calculus might become different.

      Regarding genocides in your other reply, yes, unfortunately we have historically contributed to some, though admittedly none of those and none in recent history except for Gaza and the West Bank. Israel is not the first US ally to take an overly brutal and inhumane stance with local affairs though. Unfortunately our allies are our allies. We have dozens across the globe, and we do historically tend to support them even when we shouldn’t, when war comes to their lands.

      I’m fully in favor of pro-Palestinian voices being heard, but when you sometimes act like a moral high ground somehow gives you a unique license to have your issues be front and center ahead of others, you’re more trouble than you’re worth. Interrupting speeches with chants and commiting vandalism at what should be peace protests are examples of this.

      The big tent party literally cannot contain all parties, it’s just not possible, no party can do that. Each deserves as much voice as it has number of supporters it can bring, and that puts anti-genocide voices somewhere around climate activists and gun control supporters. You’re not the only ones with children dying, you see. We have everyone’s futures to worry about, and that even includes Israelis too, whether we like it or not since hamas spectacularly escalated this to open warfare.

      • @HomerianSymphony
        125 days ago

        Each deserves as much voice as it has number of supporters it can bring, and that puts anti-genocide voices somewhere around climate activists and gun control supporters. You’re not the only ones with children dying, you see. We have everyone’s futures to worry about

        Behold the Democrats and their inspiring message of “calm down, genocide isn’t that big of a deal”.

        • @Carrolade
          -225 days ago

          If everything around you is always inspiring, it is an excellent sign someone is feeding you horse shit. Real life has difficult parts, that’s all there is to it.

          Genocide is one issue. That’s it. It can be someone’s primary issue, that’s fine, but expecting it to be a primary issue of the party is silly. In case you’ve forgotten, we’ve committed more genocides than we’ve stopped. By far. Unfortunately, Americans just aren’t that against it. And we get self-rule, you see, where we are not ruled by holy principles, but the will of the masses. If the masses are cool with genocide, guess what happens?

          So what you really need to do, is grassroots engagement, getting out there and appealing to some suburban white folks. But door knocking is too much work I think.

          • @SulaymanF
            120 days ago

            If you don’t think genocide is a dealbreaker, then you lose all rights to criticize republicans for thinking racism and sexism and homophobia aren’t dealbreakers for their candidate.

            • @Carrolade
              19 days ago

              Life is not a simple enough thing for absolutes, unfortunately, that just results in greater and greater failure. It’s a luxury we cannot afford.

              edit: You could look at it this way: If we vote in Trump instead, will there be less genocide or more genocide?

              • @SulaymanF
                14 days ago

                You’re trying to argue the Trolley Problem but missing the controversy of WHY the trolley problem is problematic in the first place. If I vote for an alternative to Trump, and she kills people in my community, then I have a share of their blood on my hands. “Less blood” is not a comfort or excuse.

                • @Carrolade
                  -114 days ago

                  I agree, it is not a comfort or an excuse, as is often the case in global politics. It’s merely a necessity if we are to save any of the Palestinian people.

                  Fundamentally it is impossible to save them all without beginning hostile action against Israel, they are being starved after all. Yet if we withdrew completely, it would merely remove yet another roadblock standing in Netanyahu’s path towards his goals.

                  • @SulaymanF
                    114 days ago

                    It’s merely a necessity if we are to save any of the Palestinian people.

                    History is littered with people who made that claim. There were Jews who thought that cooperating with Nazis would save some of their community. Black Americans who thought that working with Jim Crow politicians would make a net benefit. It’s wrong, you’re wrong, and Palestinians will tell you they’ve tried this and failed. Abbas offered to go to war against Hamas and did so, in the hopes that Israel would advance his two state solution. They abandoned him and all Palestinians are worse off for the attempt.

      • @SulaymanF
        025 days ago

        So you say it’s a Big Tent party for everyone but can’t accommodate Palestinians. Got it. Yet somehow there’s room for unconditional support for Israeli extremism allowed in that very tent.

        You’re not the only ones with children dying, you see.

        There’s that condescension again. So you’re fine with selling out Palestinian lives because your personal interests outweigh those of your neighbors. Very nice.

        Just admit it, Dems are willing to stick up for unpopular minorities like Trans people but Dem politicians can’t bring themselves to be seen in public with Arabs or Muslims.

        • @Carrolade
          -325 days ago

          The problem is you tend to act like conservatives, you don’t seem to share any of our values. You’re only dem because the repubs hate you and want you all dead, and we don’t. You do not seem to share our values though, you’re willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals and that is antithetical to us.

          If you could acknowledge nuance and admit to your own wrongdoing in the Middle East, and not spout lies like “we always support democrats” just because it’s convenient to you, this might change. But if you act like republicans, you’re going to struggle in our tent. It has nothing to do with your ethnicity or religion, just your atrocious behavior. If you want less condescension, speak and act with honor. Acknowledge complexity and nuance, own up to it when you do something wrong instead of always trying to be the victim, just like they do.

          • @SulaymanF
            25 days ago

            And there’s the racism and Islamophobia coming out. Don’t share any of your values? How out of touch with the community are you? Majority of American Muslims believe in LGBT rights in polling and support abortion. We talk with plenty of nuance, which you’d know if you ever bothered to listen even once to our community, let alone the last 10 months where we were told to shut up because our mere existence somehow hurt Biden, who made his campaign detour around our communities and refused to be seen in public with us. This despite we were reliable donors to his campaign and celebrated that we got him elected by a narrow margin.

            I don’t have time to debunk your false stereotypes. You pretend to care about the plight and then go giving insults immediately after. Go talk with Muslims and Arab-Americans rather than talk about us and Othering us.