Finished the main campaign of Borderlands 3 still going to keep playing it, as there’s lots of side-content left. And unless I get bored of it soon enough, would try to aim for the Platinum.

Reached Episode 3 of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All. I think there are 5 or 6 episodes, so still quite a bit left.

Episode 2

That von Korma is… something.

Still on Chapter 1 of Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter. Playing it slowly, will probably take a while to finish, but it’s pretty interesting. Enjoying the characters and the gameplay.

What about all of you? What have you been playing?

  • @slimerancherOPM
    27 months ago

    Tactical Breach Wizards looks pretty good. Added it to wishlist. Hope it comes to Switch.

    About Franziska, yeah, there are times where it appears she cares about catching the right person, but mostly, I agree about the unhinged part. Judge is fun though, poor guy doesn’t get enough respect.

    • all-knight-party
      37 months ago

      TBW has a low poly, low texture detail art style in contained levels, and the controls are very simple. I think it would be more than possible to port it to switch, I hope the devs do! They didn’t port their last game, Heat Signature, but that game had a more complex and precise control scheme.

      The Judge is the best character. He plays it dumb when it’s funny, but he hands down fair verdicts. He even appears in one of the Investigations cases as a witness! And it’s a little easier to understand Franziska given that she’s Manfred von Karma’s daughter. Being raised by a guy like that cannot be easy on you.

      • @slimerancherOPM
        27 months ago

        Yeah, it’s not always possible for indie or small devs to port games to console, but we can be hope!